Chapter 12

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Two weeks have pasted since Kyrad had said he loved me. It seemed to fly by in a blur. Everyday consisted of training. If we weren't meditating or practicing hand to hand combat, we were always doing something.

Krysmond was right about the tattoos starting to appear. I had one starting to appear on the back of my right shoulder. Swirling in every direction. Aeryns was starting to appear on her left leg,  almost covering her whole leg. They were pretty and reminded me of those of Kyrads.

Kyrad had been distant since that day he had told me he loved me. I didn't really blame him for it though. I didn't respond to him when he had told me that. I just sat there, like an idiot. Not saying anything. Leaving him there in silence. I could see the hurt in his eyes as he got up and walked away.

If I had told someone that I loved them and they didn't say anything back,  I would be upset as well. It's not that I don't love him,  I do love him, it was just all happening so fast,  so sudden. I couldn't breath and it was hard for me to process what he had said.

I do regret not saying anything to him though. We wouldn't be in  this situation if I had. It was awkward and uncomfortable anytime we were near each other. We hardly made eye contact,  and if we did it was only brief. It was hard to avoid him considering my house is so small.

I talked to Aeryn about it hoping to get some answers. She almost squealed my ears off when I had told her what he had said,  but when I had told her I didn't respond, she called me stupid. Not the answer I was looking for, but she was right. She suggested to just try simply talking to him to try to fix things. I had agreed with her of course,  but that conversation was a week ago and I've still yet to talk to him. I've been trying to talk myself into getting the nerve to just go up to him and talk... But I couldn't.

"You should go talk to him now. " Lettie says as she packs up all the herbs she had laid out for our lesson. We were sitting on a blanket in the front yard, not wanting the different fumes from the herbs to smell up the house.

Kyrad was just on the other side of the driveway sharpening his knives on a stone. I glanced over at him and watched as his muscles rippled from the constant forward motion he was making with his arms, lifting the blade off the stone everytime his arm moved back. The sweat glistened off his muscles,  making them more pronounced every time he moved. He stops and looks over his shoulder. Our eyes make contact. Blushing. I look away.

"I need to." I agree,  helping Lettie finish packing up everything. "I'm just nervous. " I say looking over at her. "And terrified of the thought of it,  honestly."

"You'll always be nervous about things like this in a relationship." she says as she stands up. "It's how you act on those nerves that make you respond to a situation. If you let your nerves get to you everytime something like this happens,  you'll end up in the very same situation that you are in now." She winks at me. "Go talk to him, and don't let your nerves decide any better. You'll be scared,  yes,  but it'll be worth it in the end. Trust me." She smiles at  me before going inside.

She's right. We can't just go on ignoring each other the rest of the time we're here. We need to work this out. I stand up and face towards him. He was done sharpening his knives and were putting them back into their sheaths.

I take a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." I say to myself and will myself to walk over toward him.

"Hey." I say stopping just beside him. He glances at me then continues on with what he was doing.

"Can we talk?" I ask him. Please say something I think to myself. He continues to ignore me. I could feel the hurt starting to raise in my chest. I was getting annoyed.

"Please,  Kai." I say placing a hand on one of his. He stops what he's doing and looks down at our hands. Still,  he says nothing. I was getting upset.

I was attempting to make things better between us and he was just ignoring me. Why is he making this so difficult? I wait a few more moments in hopes that he would say something.. Anything. He just stands there. Still as a statue, staring at our hands.

I pull my hand away,  hurt pushing deeper into my chest. Anger rushes through my veins, warmth engulfs my skin. I look down and notice I'm glowing blue again. I ignore it, keeping my focus on Kai.

"Look, Kai. I'm trying to fix things between us. I can't stand is being like this anymore! Please say something..." I'm almost yelling at this point. Calm down Kryselis. I tell myself. The glowing dims a little.

He doesn't say anything. "I'm really trying here Kai. I know you're upset that I didn't respond to you." I continue to say as I look down at my hands, studying the blue glow radiating off them.

"It's not that I don't love just caught me off guard. So much was happening, I didn't know what to do.." when he doesn't respond I turn to go back inside. Letting out a breath of defeat. "I tried Kai... The ball is in your court now."

Just as I was about to walk away,  a hand grabbed mine. Kyrad spun me around to face him.

"Kai.." I say as our eyes meet. His eyes were big,  full of sorrow. "I'm sorry." I say as he pulls me closer to him. His eyes changed from those of sorrow to those of love the longer we looked at each other. He pulls me in. Our lips meet as a tear falls down my cheek.

His lips were soft, the kiss full of passion. He pulled me closer to him. Body to body. My hand found its way to his hair, I run my fingers through it as he deepens the kiss. I slowly slide my other hand down his chest,  well aware that he was shirtless. He groans and pulls away.

We look at each other for a little bit before I look away, hiding the rush of heat that made its way to my face. We were both glowing,  mine was blue while Kai glowed a forest green.. He was beautiful.

"Sorry." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. His glow dimmed.

"It's fine." I say looking back up at him.

"Its not fine." he says startling me from the sudden outburst. He takes a step back. "I've been avoiding you,  been putting you through hell."He says turning from me,  head hanging down. "I've made you upset. You don't need someone like me. I'm not good enough."

I take a moment to respond. Not sure in what to say. I step closer to him. "For good reasoning." I say softly.  I place a hand on his shoulder and feel a shiver run through him. He turns to face me,  eyes full of fire.

I lightly place a hand on his cheek while looking up at him. A tear escapes from my eye, he reaches up and wipes it away. I turn my head into his hand.  He pulls me closer to him,  making sure there's nothing left between us. I look into his eyes once more. Eyes full of love. My heart stops for a moment. "You're more than enough for me." I say looking at his lips. "I love you...Kyrad." Our lips meet once more, full of desire,  longing, and need.

Kyrad didn't just want me,  I realize. Kyrad needs me I think to myself as I get lost in his kiss. Both of us were radiating light. Blue and green intertwined with the other.

Do you think Kyrad was a jerk? Or do you think Kryselis deserved the cold shoulder for not responding to him?

Let me know and please don't forget to vote!

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