Chapter 9

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I made my way to the front of the house we were in. Looking for anything to give me a clue as to where I was. But this room was just as empty as the room I was in. All that sat in here was a miniature refrigerator and a sink. That was it. What the hell is going on? I need to find my way home.

I open the door to go out but was met by a set of inclining stairs. I take the stairs two at time until I reach the top. This door,  unlike the others, had a window in it which allows for sunlight to stream through. I opened the door and welcomed the warmth of the midday sun. Immediately stopping, I gasp. I slowly turn and take in the beauty that surrounds me.

There were trees of many different colors,  shapes, and sizes. They all had dark, rich brown barks with bright glowing leaves that shimmered in the sun. Unlike the oak tree I had seen in my dream,  these trees didn't have inscriptions. They glowed and sparkled like a bunch of gems in a basket. I bent down and ran my hand across the grass. The grass was a luscious green and soft to the touch. Different than the itchy grass we had back home. The sky was a rich cerulean blue with light fluffy clouds. The sun was different than what I had been used to. This sun looked like the moon,  it lit up the sky but with a light that wasn't harsh to the eyes. Just beside it was a smaller sun,  shining just as bright as the bigger one. This one was a cotton candy pink where as the bigger one was a light green. Almost like the color of pistachio,  but lighter. It was breath taking.

Snap! Not again I think to myself. There's rustling off to my left. I quickly duck behind the nearest tree to me and peak around the side. There's a little more rustling, then a magnificent creature walks out into the open. It resembled a horse, but completely different at the same time. It has four eyes,  two on each side of its head. The outer ones bigger than the inner ones. Its snout had no nostrils, just a mouth. It's mane was made of mist that rolled smoothly down the creatures front leg and disappearing as it hit the ground. It's chest was broad with long muscular legs that added height to the creature. It's body was that of a horse, except it had three long gills on each hip. His color was that of a deep velvety purple. It's tail was made in the likes of its mane.

I know you're here KryselisThe creature says in my mind. I hide back behind the tree.

What? Can you hear me? Who are you? I think back to the creature unsure if I could think back to him or not.

Yes,  I can here you. You can come out from behind that tree your hiding behind now. I'm not going to hurt you. I tense up,  he knows where I am. Of course he does. Can I trust him? He doesn't look evil. It's either go with him or get caught by another Daeth. If it makes you feel better,  it was Kyrad that sent me. He says. My heart skips a beat at the sound of his name.

Is he here? I ask the creature. No,  he isn't. He sent me to retrieve you and return you back to the earth dimension. I come out from behind the tree and slowly walk toward the creature. Stopping about halfway to him.

I'll trust you. I respond meeting his eyes. We stand there in silence for a moment. Where do we go from here?  He closes the gap between us in a matter of a few steps. He towers over me,  ALOT bigger than I had originally thought him to be. He turns to the side and lays down on all fours.

Climb on he says.

What?! I've never even been on a horse before. How am I suppose to ride you? I ask panicking.

Just get on. He says growing impatient. I'll do the rest. This is the only option for us to get there fast. He's right, I realize. I attempt to get on his back a few times before successfully getting on. Although he was laying on all four legs he was still surprisingly big, and I'm short, which resulted in a few awkward glances between the two of us before I was able to actually get on him.

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