Chapter 21

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There's three days left until the escape is planned to happen. Ever since Blaeke has brought me this book yesterday, I have been practicing nonstop. I've gotten to where I can project myself for a few minutes at a time. The more I project myself, the longer I can hold it.

I lay down the book on the floor in front of me as well as a cup. The book says to make an object bend to my will I have to focus extremely hard on the item.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Opening them again I stare at the cup on the ground. I tune into the energy soaring through my veins and focus it on the cup. Crack. I think to the cup. I sit there a moment, waiting. Nothing happens.

I repeat the process only to come out with the same outcome as before. Nothing was happening to the cup. Maybe there's a delay? No that can't be it. What am I doing wrong?

It would be easier for you to focus on the energy flowing through the cup as well. The image of myself pops into the back of my mind.

What do you mean the energy flowing through the cup? I scan over the book and don't see anything about an object having energy. There's nothing here about that.

No,  there isn't. That book was written by a blue magic user. He only wrote what he knew.

I think about what she says for a moment. If the cup has its own energy, does that mean everything has its own energy?

How does a cup have energy? I ask her confused.

We live in dimension made of magic. Each living or dead thing draws energy from that magic. If things didn't draw energy, us magic users wouldn't be able to perform any form of magic. There fore, if you focus on the cup and feel it's energy, you will be able to make things happen. She disappears from my thoughts, leaving me on my own to take in what she had just said.

I close my eyes and focus on the cup again. I wait to feel the flow of energy that wasn't my own. A few moments pass by but I still don't feel anything.

I groan in frustration and grab the book. I flip through it and try to find something easier to focus on for now. Nothing jumped out at me as interesting at the moment. I got up and tossed the book on the edge of the desk, it fell and hit the floor and something falls out from between the pages. 

It was an envelope with my name scrolled across the top. Who could this be from? I quickly open it and look for the signature at the bottom of the letter.  Til then, my beloved. Always yours, Kyrad.

My heart stopped momentarily. It was from Kyrad. I sat on the bed holding the note close to my chest. I missed him, very much. I've been so occupied with the book that I haven't had time to think about Kai. My chest hurt as I looked down at the letter.

My dearest Kryselis,                                                                                                 
I'm sorry it had to be like this, I didn't want to tell you this through a letter. But, I'm truly sorry this has happened to you all because you were trying to find me.

If I hadn't of  runaway we would've never been in this situation. I never wanted you to see that side of me. I never want you to be scared of me. I promise I'll do everything in my power again to make things right...

I keep thinking back to that day I was laying on the table in your dining room. To that moment when you whispered that you were no-one to me...

Kryselis... You are everything to me. You mean more than the entire existence of all the dimensions in all the world's to me. I would gladly choose your life over mine any day.

And that moment... That moment when you whispered in my ear that you love me... It changed me. I am a better person because of you. You calm the storms of rage inside of me when you are with me. You clear the fog of darkness that resides over me when you're near. You make me feel like I am destined for something greater than what my birth right entitles. You are so special to me, you're my better half and I can't live without you.

My duty to you as your partner is to protect you, to keep you safe. So, I will do whatever it takes to get you out of here and back to your family where you are safe. I'll do anything in my power, No matter the cost.

I love you, Kryselis. Never forget that.

Til then,  my beloved.
Always yours,

I clutch the letter to my aching chest and lay on the bed. Tears were slowly forming in my eyes as I close them. I was still wearing his clothes that strongly smelt of him. I welcomed the familiarity of him and let it warm me.

Kyrad loves me and is more than willing to risk his life for mine. That means I would have to do well on my part of the plan so it wouldn't have to come to that.

I sat up suddenly. Coming up with an idea. I quickly sit on the floor and close my eyes. Focusing on my energy.

Kyrads POV

"Kai" I rolled over and planted my face in the pillow.

"Kai" I mumble something unintelligible, slowly opening my eyes.

"Kai, wake up!" my eyes snap open and see Kryselis's face in front of me.

"Kryselis? How'd you.." I trail off realizing that she was blue and transparent. "What? What's going on?" I ask sitting up.

"I'm projecting myself. I read the book you sent to me and have been practicing for the last two days. But I have to be quick. I can only project for a few minutes at a time for now." She explains.

I smile. I can't believe she actually did it. This means our odds just got even. We may actually get out of here somehow.

"I just wanted to let you know that I got your letter." She sits down beside me. I was half expecting her to fall through the bed, but she didn't.

"Oh." Was all I could say. My cheeks felt warm all of a sudden. Was I blushing? I run my fingers through my hair and look over at her.

"I thought it was sweet." She says smiling at me. "I'm doing everything on my side that I can so things will go smoothly all together." her hand finds its way to my cheek. I welcome the warmth of the energy that was her form.

"I promise I will do anything it takes to get you out. I wasn't lying. It's my fault we're in this mess. I'll get us out" I quickly say to her.

"I know you will. I have faith in you." Her hand falls from my face into her lap. She looks down at her hands for a moment before meeting my eyes.

"I want you to know that I'm not scared of you." she stands up still looking at me. "I only have a few moments left."

I stand up, closing the distance between us. I take her hands in mine and rest my forehead against hers, closing my eyes.

"The more time I spend with you, the more I realize that I crave the side of you that no-one else gets to see." She looks up at me. "All the quirks and little imperfections that make you, you. Those are a few of the many things that I love about you."

I could feel all my worries crumble away as she spoke. That's when I realized that here on out we can overcome anything. As long as we have each other,  we can conquer all.

She continued to speak and reassure me that everything would alright. That she was channeling her powers and working on the pages I marked.
But, all I could focus on was memorizing her face for the few moments we had left.

I lightly stroked her cheek as she continued to talk. She was so beautiful. My heart skips a few beats as my eyes make their way down her neck and to her chest, my hand following. I rest my palm just above heart.

"You always know the right things to have my heart Kryselis. You always will." I pull her in and kiss her. "I love you." I say against her lips as she fades away.

As she disappeared her calming presence left with her. I sat on the bed and realized that I am now more determined than ever to rescue her from this wretched place and return her to Lumaera.

The Adrelina Chronicles: The Field (1)Where stories live. Discover now