Chapter 8

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I was sitting against the big oak tree, not paying attention to things around me. I was lost in thought. Thinking about all the events that have happened the past couple of days.

Lettie wasn't my real mother, but she was really my aunt. Aeryn is actually my sister, which would explain why we favor each other. Aerybella was really my biological mother and Krysmond was my father. Finding all this out wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part is that all of them knew everything and didn't want to tell me. Especially Aeryn. She was suppose to be my best friend, but she lied to me about everything.

Then there's Kyrad. Had Kyrad had known all of this as well? If he did, I wasn't too sure if I was able to be mad at him. I was so drawn to that boy. The boy who risked his life to save mine. The boy who almost died to save me... The boy who has my heart..

Snap! I jump to my feet. Snap! There it was again. I look around me and don't see anything. I could barely make out a faint whisper in the wind. It was raspy, but faint. An ancient language. I slowly circle the tree, a feeling of exhaustion taking over me. I don't see anything. I lean against the tree, slowly sliding down it until I was laying at its base. I could see the woman coming towards me. What is she? Daeth, that voice in my head says. My eyes grow heavy as she moves closer to me. The world starts to go black. The moss growing bright green on the oak tree, the inscriptions in the bark, and finally the bright green sparkling leaves on the canopy of the tree were the last things I see before darkness consumes me.
My eyes fly open. Something was wrong. I could feel it in my chest. I sit up and look around me. I'm on a table, but where? I swing my legs over the side of the table. There was a picture on the wall in front of me. In the picture was a little girl and her mother. They seemed so happy. Like there wasn't a care in the world. It was Kryselis and Lettie, her aunt I realized after looking at it a little bit longer. I'm in their home. Where is everyone?

I walk into the kitchen and hear soft chatter coming from the living room. I walk into the living room, using the wall for support. I was still in pain from the damage the Daeth had done to me. I look around and see everyone but Kryselis.

"Where's Kryselis?" I ask. Everyone stops talking and looks at me with wide eyes. Lettie gets up and walks over to me.

"She's fine." She says giving me a small smile, but I could see the pain that was in her eyes. "She's upset so she went to her room for awhile. You shouldn't be up right now, your still hurt, you need to heal." she continues "We can come get you when she comes out. We don't need you passing out on us." she says gesturing towards the dining room. "Why don't you rest some more."

I look around at everyone, they were all avoiding my gaze. Except Krysmond, who was sitting there emotionless.

"Why is she upset? What happened?" I demand looking back at Lettie.

"Well, besides the obvious with you being hurt.. " she glances at everyone on the couch.

They all exchange looks. Aeryn looked more upset than the rest of them had. Aerybella had been crying. By the looks on their face... No.. They didn't..

"No.. " I say looking at everyone. "Y'all told her?!" I ask panicking. "She's not going to take this too well." I say more to myself than them. "She wasn't ready to hear the truth. Has anyone checked on her?" I yell.

No-one says anything. Aeryn shakes her head no. "Where's her room?" I ask looking at Lettie. She sighs and gestures to the hallway.

"First door on the left." she says and joins the others on the couch.

I rush to Kryselis's room. I knock softly on the door, leaning against the frame for support.

"Kryselis?" I ask lightly. "It's me, Kai." I wait a few moments. She doesn't respond.

"Can I come in?..I know your upset.." I say checking the door knob to see if it was locked. It wasn't. I crack the door open.

"Kryselis?" I ask again. No reply. I enter the room.

Her school stuff was all over the floor. Her dresser drawer was open with missing clothes. My heart jumps in my throat. I walk over to the window. It was cracked open. She had ran. She ran away. I start to panic. What have you done Kryselis?

She's not safe, the Daeth will get her. She can't defend herself, not yet. I rush back into the living room, ignoring the pounding in my head.

"What's wrong?" Lettie asks panic in her voice.

I look around at everyone. Angry that not one of them went and checked on her. Angry that they didn't care that she wasn't ready for the truth. Angry that shes gone... Who knows where she is, or how long she has been gone. The Daeth would have her by now, and if they didn't they would soon enough.

"She's gone." I say looking at Krysmond.

He stands up and goes to her room. Returning a moment later, he nods his head. I lean against the wall, head pounding.

"You...have.. To find her.." I struggle to say, slowly falling to the floor.

Everyone is moving around in panic. "Find her.." I whisper.


I don't know how many days it had been ever since the Daeth had brought me here. I haven't seen her since she locked me in this room. I was hungry, cold, scared. It was always dark. There were no windows. No light. The room was bare. Nothing in here except a big pad that was suppose to serve as a bed and a small metal bucket purposed as a toilet. It was dirty. Everywhere you touch there would be dirt and grit. I spend my time sitting in the corner most of the days. Only moving to stretch my legs.

I pass the days by thinking of Aeryn, Lettie, and Kyrad. But mostly of Kyrad. Ever since I crawled out of the window a sense of longing for him has consumed me. My heart hurts. I shouldn't of have left my room. I wouldn't be in this situation right now if I would've just stayed. Everyone is probably looking for me right now. Scared, panicked, and they probably wouldn't know where to look.

A shuffling just outside the door brings me out of my thoughts. I stand up as the door opens. The Daeth walks in with a platter of food and water. She sets the platter in front of me and walks to the door. She just stands there and looks at me. Waiting for me to eat.

I sit down and slowly start to eat. Too scared to do anything else. While I eat I feel anger start to spread through my chest. I think of Aeryn, my mom Lettie, and Kyrad. I think of all the things we have been through and the things they are going through right now trying to find me. I think of the way I had seen Kyrad when they had brought him home. The anger continues to build. I think of how the Daeth just takes whatever she wants and does whatever she wants. The anger turns into rage. I stopped eating at this point. I stood up as the Daeth watches me. I feel a warmth spread through my veins. The rooms starts to glow with a bright blue color. The door slams shut behind the Daeth. She turns and tries to open the door but it wouldn't budge. She turns to me and starts to whisper something. Kyrad flashes across my mind, all bloody and bruised. I focus on that image. Using it to fuel my anger. My skin grows warm and power runs through my blood. I look down at my hand. It was glowing a bright blue. My whole body was glowing a bright blue color with something similar to flames covering the surface of my skin. I was the cause of the room glowing. I look up at the Daeth. She started to move forward. The whole room busted onto a blinding light. The Daeth let's out a raspy scream. Then there's silence. My heart stops for moment before slowing to a normal beat. The light slowly started to fade. The Daeth stood right in front of me. She was no longer covered in black, but now was covered in grey ash. Her eye sockets were empty. As the rest of the light began to fade away the Daeth fell to the ground in a cloud of dust. She was dead. I had just killed her. What just happened?

I just want to thank you for everyone who has read and is continually reading all of the updates. I appreciate it soooooooooo much. You guys are awesome!

What do you think of Kryselis's powers? Crazy right?

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