Chapter 10

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I walk inside and quietly shut the back door. Thankful no-one was in the kitchen at the moment. I glance over at the table in the dining room to see if Kai was there.  He was no longer laying on the table. 

I slowly walk to the doorway that leads into the living room,  pausing just behind it for a moment. The house is so quiet. No noise or talking coming from any of the rooms.

I peak around the doorjamb and see Aeryn and Lettie sleeping on the couch. Aerybella and Krysmond must be sleeping in Lettie's room while Kyrad is in mine.  Or at least I hope he is. I'm sure a dining table was uncomfortable. 

I tiptoe over to Lettie,  quiet as a mouse and crouch down in front if her. 

"Mom." I whisper, lightly shaking her.  She mumbles something and shifts around. "Mom,  I'm home." I say shaking her a little harder.

Her eyes snap open and focus on me. Confusion filling her eyes for a moment before realizing it was me. Her eyes go wide and filled with tears.
She quickly gets up and pulls me in an embrace. 

"Oh,  Kryselis! I was so worried about you! Are you OK?" she asks pulling me at arm's length to inspect me. "Are you hurt?"

I smile at her, tears fill my eyes.  I hug her again, not wanting to let go. We stayed like that a few moments before letting each other go. 

"I'm fine." I respond sitting on the couch, patting the spot beside me. Indicating her to sit with me. "No damage done to me." I continue. "How is everyone here?"

I look over to Aeryn. She was sound asleep. She looked so peacefully. Regret washed over me. I hate that I yelled at her like I did. She didn't really have a choice. I'm sure she would have told me if she could.

"Everyone is fine,  aside from being worried sick about you." she says, glancing over at Aeryn. "Aeryn was so worried she literally got sick over it. She felt so bad for not telling you." Lettie continues as she looks back at me. " The others are fine. I gave Aerybella and Krysmond my room for the night. I'm sure that they have got a lot of catching up to do." she says wagging her eyebrows at me.

"Mom!" I laugh a little too loud. "Too much information!" I say watching as Aeryn stirs on the couch.

"It's the truth!" She says trying to quiet her laughter.

Aeryn sits up, rubbing her eyes.  "What's going on?" she asks groggily. She looks over at me. I exchange quick glances with mom. She winks at me.

"KRYSELIS!" she yells so loud I was sure she was going to wake up the dead. "You're home!" she squeals and tackles me to the couch in an attempt to hug me.

She gets up and looks at me with wide eyes. "Are you OK?! You're so skinny now! What did they do to you?" she says sitting down next to me.

Lettie gets up. "Why don't you wait on the questions until everyone gets out here so she won't have to repeat herself. " she says with a little laugh. "I'll go wake everyone. "

I look at Aeryn as Lettie walks toward the bedrooms.

"I'm so sorry I yelled at you like I did." I say to her. My eyes water a little.

She takes my hand in hers, "No need to apologize. You had every reason to yell at me." she says squeezing my hand. "If anything,  I should be the one apologizing to you for lying about everything."

I lean over and hug her. "Lets just forget about all of this,  OK?" I ask her holding up my pinky. "Everything's fine."

She hooks her pinky with mine. "Promise?" she asks.

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