Chapter 27 -Final Chapter

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When we arrived back to the castle Krysmond was pacing in the throne room. He had informed us that Kyrad was still unconscious and they didn't know when he would wake up.

There's going to be a memorial service later in the day in respects of Aerybella. We couldn't have a funeral because there were no remains left of her but ash that was blown away in the wind. Krysmond dismissed everyone and stopped me.

"Kryselis" He was looking at the ground. "I know you tried to help Aerybella as best as you could."

I nod my head not knowing what to say. If only I could've harnessed my powers a few moments earlier than I had, she would have still been alive. It was my fault. I should've never ran off like I had, If I hadn't she would still be here. Everyone wouldn't be mourning and Aeryn wouldn't hate me. I felt my eyes start to water as he continues.

"I really appreciate that you did what you could, you saved the rest of us. It was one or all." He sat in his chair and looks at me. "Don't beat yourself up for whatever happened. Don't blame yourself, in no way was this your fault."

But it was my fault, and I will never forget that.

"Thank you" I smile at him as best I could and made my way to the apothecary where Kyrad was being held.

When I got to the apothecary there was no one around. I look around my surrounding and notice the walls were lined with shelves carrying many a potion. They came in many sizes and colors. I wasn't so sure what they were for, I've never used any potions. I assume they are medicines. There were no labels, but i'm sure a lifetime of working here you would know which one is which.

"Hello?" I call out. There was no answer. I wonder around the front of the apothecary for a few minutes in hopes of someone would show, but no one did. Should I just walk in the back by myself? Am I allowed back there? It wouldn't hurt to check...

I take the door that was behind the front counter and follow it down a hallway that opened up into a room about the size of the front room. It was lined with book shelves full of potions and old books. There were cob webs and dust everywhere.

There were two doors off to the right. The first one was a supply closet full of bandages and random things. The second room was full of little twin sized beds. I entered the room and on the far left corner was Kyrad, peacefully sleeping.

I pull a chair over to the side of his bed and take his hand in mine. He didn't seem to have any major damage done, all I could see were a few bruises here and there.

"We really have to stop making this a habit of ours." I sit back in the chair, half hoping for a response, knowing I wouldn't get one.

"I just wanted to check on you real quick before I have to get ready for the ceremony ." I get up and place a small kiss on his cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow."

I pause at the doorway and glance back at him for a moment. I wish he would wake already... Movement from his side quickly caught my attention. Did his hand just twitch?

"Kyrad?" I wait a few minutes for a response and got nothing. There were no more movements. I was probably imagining things. I shake my head and walk out.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Everyone was getting ready for the ceremony tonight. I didn't know what to expect or how to expect this ceremony to go.

I'm sure they run differently here then they did in the human world. Everything ran differently than it did there.

It was almost time for the ceremony. I had ran off the girl they sent to help me get dressed. I wanted time to myself to think about everything. I let my hair hang down in curls with a thin line of eyeliner.

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