Chapter 23

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Kryselis POV

Tomorrow will be the day when the attempt to break out would happen and I have never been so nervous or scared in my life. All I kept doing was asking myself all the wrong questions. What if something went wrong? What if someone got hurt? What would happen when we escaped? If we escaped. Would Soryn come for revenge? Would there be war?

I didn't know anything about the plan except for the roll I play in it. I were to escape the room and meet Blaeke then head to Lumaera.

I've been practicing everything I could from the book and have accomplished most of it. Except the one where you bend things to your will. For some reason I can't seem to get that one down.

Maybe I'm not as powerful as everything thinks? I've accepted who I am meant to be, but maybe I haven't accepted it fully? What more was there to accept? I'm here to cause the fall of the Daeth and save the dimensions from there evil. What more is there to do?

I've never been to any other dimension but Earth and here. I couldn't help but to wonder what creatures or beings inhabited the other worlds. Were they all bright and colorful like Adrelina? Would I ever see the other worlds?

My thoughts kept drifting between so many things. I couldn't stay focused on one subject without thinking about the other. I've never been this nervous, ever. Everything needs to go right tomorrow. If they don't, I don't know what we would do.

I toss the book on the bed and make my way to the mirror. My over all physique has changed since I've been locked in this room. My eyes were sunk in and I had dark bags under them. My skin was pale from the lack of sun. Kyrads clothes were more loose than they originally were from lack of food. My stomach aches everyday. My hair was all tangled and matted.

There was no shower in the bathroom So I'm sweaty and I'm dirty. Basically, there's no other way to put it.. I stink to the high heavens and it wasn't attractive at all. I use the rag to wash off as best I could but that could only do so much without soap. I had used all the soap when I tried to clean the room.

I groan to myself and close my eyes. Why was this happening to me? What could I have possibly done to deserve this?

I project myself one last time in hopes to see Kyrad before everything went down tomorrow. When I got to his house, he was no where to be found. I couldn't hide my disappointment that he wasn't home but I understand that he was the master mind behind the plan and had important things to do.

I retreat back to my room and flip through the book. In the back of the book were a list of simple spells that I never noticed before. There were spells for minor injuries, spells for light, spells for a bunch of little things. At the bottom of the list was a spell to help you fall asleep.

Just what I needed. I haven't been sleeping well since I've been here and thinking about the escape just makes it worse. The spells were in a different but the instructions were in English.

In order to use this sleeping spell all you have to do is lay back, close your eyes and recite it. But do head my warning, this spell acts differently with each person. The effects will last longer in some than others.

Podes durmir facilmente. Deixa os teus soños amables. Pode espertar descansado e sempre a tempo.

This was the spell. I laid back in bed with the book beside me. The spell responds differently to everyone. But what could it possibly do? Make me sleep in a little longer? I don't think it would have that much of an effect.

"Podes durmir facilmente. Deixa os teus soños amables. Pode espertar descansado e sempre a tempo." I recite this aloud. This translates to, You can sleep easily. Leave your dreams kind. You can wake up rested and always in time.

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