Episode 11

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     I walked to dancing  Kai and asked " where is Sarang ? " I shout out loud because we can't hear each other , the music is just too loud .

  " she is dancing over there..."

" no she is not right there . She is out of my sight " I get impatient.

" she will be back " he said totally calm .

" give me the key "

  " for what Sehun ? "

" just give me already " I shouted.

" okay okay easy . Here you go " he put the key into my palm .

        Now I am looking for her all over the club . Where the hell is she ? The rest room ? May be .

   I was walking back to back in front of the lady rest room whether she will show up or not .

      I am literally stalking at the rest room checking up the girls passing by .

    " what is he ? A pervert. "

      " Why is he like this ? "

     " scary pervert may be . "

I heard some girls whispering about me .

     Screw that shit and palli show up that trouble Sarang .

   Then I saw a girl coming out of the rest room in chaotic manners .

   Is she drunk ? Is it Sarang ?
"Yahh lee Sarang ? " her unbalanced steps .

   She looked up me with her redden face . Yes , she is totally drunk .

   " you just drank 5 cups and why are you like this ? " I asked her while holding her body .

    Her face smirks in drunk way . She smiled and laughed looking at me .
She opened her mouth to talk me

   " no drunk talk please " I mentally begged .

   " don't touch me " she blurted out .

    " you are drunk , you can't even walk properly , idiot "

   " yahhh ( she shouted ) don't call me idiot and I am not drunk , you stupid bastard " she pointed me . People passing by are looking at us curiously . I  dragged her out of the club by back door to the parking .

   " where are you taking me , you cheater ? " she cried out loud .

    What !! Cheater ?? Seriously?

  " what are you talking , you drunk shit ? " I barked back .

    She looked at me with her half opened eyes . She is giggling now . Her red check and her drunk smile with cherry red lips . I cannot control but smile . Now she is drunk , drunk in cute way . I dragged her to our car and then

    " you , you , Oh Se Hun " she stands against the car door while me still holding her .

    I starred at her red cheeks face waiting for the words coming out of her  thick lips .

    She held my shoulder and said

   " Kiss me "
my eyes widened. I am shocked on what I just heard .

   " what ? " I gasped .

  " I said Kiss Me " she is drunk . Really drunk .

  " do you even know what are you talking Sarang ? " I held her face expecting her to get her sense .

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