•What Will Be In Here [N]•

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I'll be including a lot of songfics that I've had in mind for a while, but can now put into action since I'm brace enough to put my stories out there ^-^

She I've also had an awkward now-obsession of Phineas and Ferb (I honestly don't know) and so I, being myself, went into iTunes to download the soundtrack and- let's just say you can expect a lot of Phineas and Ferb songs XD (only those ones I find fit :P)

So that's basically it I guess, please enjoy it haha

Also I'm currently working on three other pokeshipping stories (I may delete some haha)

The Pokemon Boyband- (lol it's bad) basically Kenny, Ash, Drew and Gary are in a band and meet Dawn, Misty, May and Leaf then shipping and things- based off Big Time Rush- shh don't freak out at me and my weird obsessions (I haven't updated it in like months and there's a paragraph about it and then one sentence sooooo...)

Pokemon High- Pokemon High- basically it- Misty is new, her bffs are May and Dawn, shipping, etc. Etc. (May delete this one tbh so)

Untitled- basically Pokemon High but without Pokemon- a normal high school but same concept. Might do this one instead of Pokemon High so

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