•Gentleman [C/F]•

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Whenever I hear this word I just think of Professor Layton 😂
If anyone gets it as well, you're my new best friend.
This one is gonna suck rip

"Ash, why can't you be more of a gentleman?"

Ash, Brock and Misty were having a little get-together reunion to reconnect after the long time they had spent apart.

Pikachu was currently sleeping on Ash's sleeping bag, and Azurill was playing in the river with Misty's other Pokemon. Brock was making the trio and Pokemon dinner, while Ash and Misty were.. well.. Ash and Misty.

"What do you mean? I'm not?" Ash replied. "No, you're so far from it." Misty retorted.

"Thanks a lot, Mist," Ash said sarcastically. "Would you rather I be all nice and sweet and perfect than me?"

"Ouch. That hurts."
"Wouldn't hurt at all if you were."
"Wow. You're the friend everyone wants."
"Gee, thanks, Ash."
"Well if you go around telling people to change to your perfection," Ash retorted. "I get it. You're never going to try to change. You're too lazy." Misty fired back.

"Back at it again with the fighting?" Brock looked up from where he was stirring some soup. (Soup is just a super fun word to say atm 😂 idk I'm weird)

Both glared at him. He shrugged and watched the souppp. (Lol what even is this fic rn 😂 I promise H will be so much better)

"Fine." Ash said, standing up. "If I be more gentlemanly, you have to be more gentalwomanly."

"Ash, I doubt that's even a word." Misty said, rolling her eyes. "It is now." He shot her a look. Misty rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Typical Ash.."

"Why can't you guys grow up already?" Brock said allowed. He backed up as Misty fake-glared at him. Pikachu, by now, was awake. He smirked and casually walked over to where Ash's Pokemon were playing.

While Ash and Misty continued arguing, and Brock continued cooking, Pikachu asked Ash's new Caterpi, which he had caught not long ago, to help him. The Caterpi nodded and inched its way over near to Misty.

"Uh, Mist, don't look now- but, look now." Ash said, pointing to Caterpi. Misty shrieked and jumped into Ash's arms fearfully.


He lost balance and fell over, Misty now sitting on top of him. "Uh.. Ash? Are you okay?" Misty asked. He lifted his head up and placed a hand on his hat. "Ow...."

"Looks like I fell for you," Ash joked. This earned him a slap on the face from his girlfriend.


Yeah not my best but hey Ash and Misty were secretly dating the whole time :)
So I'm planning to do sort of the same thing as I am now for songfics of the Pokemon Christmas Bash everyday until Christmas Eve and I counted because I'm going to (try) release one each day and if I do that the best AAML song will be released on my birthday :D best bday gift 👌

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