•What Might Have Been [S]•

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(A/N: yay the second song for Phineas and Ferb... alright so I was actually originally planning to do this just in its own but then I forgot about it and then remembered as I listened to the Phineas and Ferb music- I mean- okay anyways)

Misty was offered to go to school to learn about how to become a better trainer. She accepted and wants to see Ash before she leaves.

Misty was still packing; even though she was leaving today. She packed up a few over her books on her dresser, but something else caught her eye. It was a picture of her and Ash, when they were traveling in Johto with Brock.

It seemed like they were fighting in the picture that Brock had taken, well.. it was quite obvious they were..... She smiled at the young Ash she hadn't seen in years, the young Ash she first fell in love with.

"I wanted you to see me,
But for so long, you were blind
Now it's time to face tomorrow,
And leave all that stuff behind
Of what would our lives have been like, If you'd just given me a sign
'Cause I like you more than every other thing I like combined..." She started to sing, thinking of the great memories they had.

"I spent so many summers,
Hoping something would begin
I thought that I was over you,
But here I am again...
What might have been.." she sighed, picking up one last box and carrying it out to the car she had bought to five down


Ash Ketchum ran as fast as he could to the Cerulean City Gym. He quickly entered, being greeted by Daisy right away

"Ash, honey, how are you?" She asked.
"Hi Daisy... Uh, is Misty here?" He asked awkwardly, scratching his head.

"Oh no, sweetie, she's gone." Daisy replied.
"Gone like driving... car... school... gone?" Ash asked urgently.
"Yes, you just missed her, it's too bad you didn't get to see her off.
You know, since you were kids she's had a huge crush on you." Daisy said, her hands on her hips.
"I wish I had known." Ash sighed

"I can't believe that all this time,
You never said a word
Although it's possible you did,
And I just never heard
I never even noticed,
I guess I wasn't that alert
But I must say that, in retrospect,
You were being quite overt..." Ash sang as he walked down the street.

"And now our endless summer,
Is finally coming to an end
I tried to make the most of every day,
But now the years just seem misspent...
What might have been.." He sighed once again, wishing he'd kept in-contact with Misty.
"I could've been your girlfriend," Misty sang as she drove along the street.
"I could've been your fella
We might've been an item..." Ash sighed
"They would've called us... 'Ashsty'...?" Misty sang. (A/N: don't kill me it's the best I could come up with DX)
"I would've held the door for you,
I would've shared my umbrella," Ash looked at his feet.
"You could've held my hair back,
When I was sick with salmonella," Misty sighed.

"We could've been together,
All you had to say was when
And though I wanted so much more,
I guess you'll always be my friend...
What might have been," they sang together in different places.

"What might have been.."

"What might have been....." Ash finished off, reaching the Pokemon Centre

"What might have been." Misty sighed again. Suddenly, she had an idea. She turned her car around, driving back to Cerulean City. She ran to the nearest Pokemon Centre, Ash had to be there. If he was here...

While running to it, she ran into this kid. "Pika!" His Pikachu exclaimed. Then, realization struck her. It was Ash. "Ash?" She exclaimed. "Misty?" He gasped, getting up from the ground. "I just- well I- I came to say goodbye since, well, I got the news.." he stuttered. "Ash," Misty smiled, stepping closer to him.

He blushed, but she did too. She kissed him softly, then backed away, waiting for his response. He was lovestruck. "I- umm- I mean-"

He took in a deep breath then locked eyes with her. He grabbed her and kissed her back. He broke off the kiss, then looked at her again. Before he could speak, she spoke.

"It won't be worth leaving you again," she giggled and kissed him for a third time.

There we have it thanks bye

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