•Finally [C/F]•

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Just a little note, I won't be updating this weekend; I have a swim meet I have to go to. I'm trying to publish this before I leave so hopefully I do. I'll be writing I just probably won't have wifi to publish it. I will probably finish G and start in H asap.
Anyways yeah I'm proud of this idea and it'll be short :)

A lot of things had happened in just the past week. But most importantly, Ash had achieved his dream. He was now a Pokemon Master.

Currently at the celebration party, Misty was listening to Brock rant on about something. She wasn't listening. All she heard was something about Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny and some pretty girls he had spotted.

She just couldn't stop smiling. Life was great. She had achieved one of her dreams about two months ago. Misty Waterflower and Ash Ketchum were an official couple.

"I'm going to talk to.. umm.. I don't know. I'm gonna find a pretty girl to talk to." Brock said, leaving Misty standing alone.

The party was being held somewhat on the outskirts of Viridian City, not far from the spot where Ash and Misty had first met.

Misty looked up as Ash approached her. "Hey," he said softly. "Hey," she responded, locking eyes with him. He grabbed her hand and led her away from the party.

"I want to show you something," he said, smiling brightly. Misty laughed. "Alright,"

They walked for a bit, ending up at the waterfall. It was late at night but Misty could still see. "It's where we met," Ash said, looking around. Misty rolled her eyes playfully. "I know that, idiot. How could I forget?"

Misty smiled as she looked around from where they were standing. When she turned back to Ash, he was prepared. (Yep :)))) )

He was on one knee, a small box that was hidden in his pocked with a ring inside was in his palm. Misty looked from Ash to the ring, eyes widening, face reddening and her heart beat speeding up.

"Ash.." she barely whispered. She was in complete shock. "Misty, I love you so much, will you marry me?" Ash simply asked, smiling up at her.

"Yes yes, a million times yes!" She replied. As he slipped the ring on her finger and stood up, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "I love you too, Ash."

As the newly engaged couple made their way back to the party, Brock met them on the way there. "Where have you two lovebirds been?" He asked. Ash smiled, gesturing for Misty to say something.

She giggled. "Getting engaged."

Brock wasn't too surprised. "Finally." He said as he turned and led them back to the party.


Yeah not my best like always and I didn't publish it before I left. Whoops. I just published it at the hotel with G if it's finished.

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