•Ours [C/F]•

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Cough cough totally not a hint to an upcoming fic in this cough cough

Hi double update this one was my fav to write so I'm not so disappointed in writing it again :D

In this fic what it's about is at the end so no spoilers but also suggested Contestshipping and Handymanshipping in this so

"Ash, you need to calm down," Brock sighed for the what felt like thousandth time. The Pokemon Master pretended to ignore him and continued pacing, causing Brock to slouch down in his chair, how uncomfortable you can be when sitting in a chair for three hours.

May soon came hustling in, tailed by Drew. She took a seat next to Brock, Drew taking a seat next to her. "How long has he been like that?" she whispered to Brock. "About three and a half hours, maybe four. I got here after he did, of course." He whispered back. "He's only stopped once; when he saw me."

"Oh," May said, relaxing in her chair, Drew sliding his hand into hers. "Not long before it's your turn," Brock teased. May blushed and silently screamed. "Oh, Mew, please no. I'm not even married yet, not to mention engaged,"

Brock shrugged. "Maybe your status will change in a few weeks."

May frowned, confused. Drew mentally face palmed himself. Brock sighed and muttered underneath his breath, "You're really just as dense as Ash..."

"Any word how she's doing?" She piped up again. "Nope. The doctors won't let even Ash in."

"That must be horrifying for him, I mean, look how nervous he is!" May said, observing the Pokemon Master pace back and forth. "Way more nervous than he was battling the champion."

"I'd think so. Who else is showing up?"

"I don't think anyone else except for Delia, Professor Oak, Daisy and Tracey," Brock responded. "I called everyone as soon as I heard the news, then headed here. Ash at least called his mom and then me before he broke down into a nervous wreck," he gestured his hands towards the absolutely nervous Ash.

"Ash." Brock said, trying again. "Sit down, okay?" Ash stopped pacing but reluctantly sat down, his hands shaking nervously. He stayed silent and looked at his shoes, as if he was zoned out to the entire word. "I don't think I ever could imagine this happening to Ash, or him being this nervous," May admitted.

Brock nodded, glancing over at the entrance coincidentally at the same time Tracey and Daisy entered, followed by Delia and Professor Oak. Tracey sat down next to Brock, since Ash had taken the seat at the far corner. Even though he was still looking at his shoes, you could see the horror filled in his widened eyes.

Delia sat down next to him, in attempt to reassure him. Professor Oak sat down next to her, and Daisy sat down next to her husband. "Wait, why did Professor Oak come?" May asked, quite confused. Brock shrugged. "I dunno. It's a free country, he knows both Ash and Misty, and he's Professor Oak?" Brock  suggested. "But who's watching the lab?"

"Gary," Tracey responded. "Oh,"

"I can't believe this is really happening!" Daisy said excitedly.

"Umm.. Ash Ketchum?" A doctor stepped out from a room. Ash snapped out of his nervousness for a second, his head jerking up to where he'd heard his name. "You can come in now," the doctor gestured, heading off in a different direction. Ash's heart leapt, pounding in his chest as he stood up, hands shaking probably more than they ever would. He swallowed, walking pretty fast but for him it felt like an eternity just for one step. His head spun.

So much had happened in the past four years; he'd become a Pokemon Master, got married to the love of his life, and now, today, just five minutes ago, he officially became a father. (WHO CALLED IT)

As he entered the room, he seemed to relax as he approached Misty, crouching down beside the hospital bed. "I can't believe we're really parents now," Misty whispered. He nodded, looking down with pride at his baby daughter. "What should we name her?"

(Shh not the main character of an upcoming book totally not what are you talking about whatttt)

"I don't know," Ash responded. "I've got one," Misty said after a moment. "How about.. Aspen Ivy Ketchum?"

"I love it,"


"But you know what makes this even better?" Tracey smiled, looking at Brock. "Their children are going to be my nieces and nephews. I'm related to them."

Brock crossed his arms. "Not fair." He turned to Daisy. "Hey, are Vio-"

"No, neither will ever marry you," Daisy said quite sassily, her and Tracey laughing. Brock started flowing tears.


Ok so how was that 😂

I added in the ending part with Brock and Tracey because I just imagine they fangirl together about Ash and Misty I'm sorry I just do a lot

I'm going to eventually write a wedding fic that will probably be just the reception because I've been to 1 wedding which was yesterday but I've been to lots of receptions so I know how those usually go.

What makes you think I'm going to write a book about Aspen's journey along with their other three children? I'm not doing it, I'm not I promise

But yeah bye

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