Eridans journal

315 12 4

September 1st, 2016

Still no cod damn hogwwarts letter, dissapointed as alwways as the wworry of being stuck as a muggle sets in. I havve been forced into a human/troll highschool, wwhere my dad is a p.e teacher. Cro enjoys the school as he's finally somewwhat popular, I'm happy for him but it's a wwaste of time. It wwont last. I havve somewwhat made friends with my prevvious comrades from the game, some (infact most) still don't trust me. Fef wwas quick to forgivve and forget, kan is still 50/50 about me and sollux is still an ass as alwways. Some of my old habits such as killing lowwbloods havve..... minimalized, not completely gone, but trying. Still a troll Harry Potter fan though, I wwatched the human vversion and it wwas OK. Should havve included wway more things from the books in my opinion. Nep agrees wwith me on this matter. She started wwatching a wwhild ago and I became good friends wwith her (much to equ's disappointment, but he doesn't control wwho nep has to be friends wwith). Speaking of nep, she has a flushed crush on fef. I'vve givven her pointers on wwhat NOT to do, seems to be helping. I'm no longer obsessed wwith fef, wwere just friends noww. My quadrants, wwith no surprise, havve stayed empty like a fuckin desert. To be honest wwhy wwould they be full, after wwhat I did I'm not exactly datin material. I wwasnt the wworst though, I heard the things Gam did. Tav Is trying to get those habits out him though, it's a long and tedious process, but wworth it. Vvriska is still a bitch, toned dowwn, but still a Bitch. Ter and sol havve been hangin out a lot lately and nep has gotten me I to shippin them, it's a bad habit I'm goin to try and stop ( frivvolous effort so far). Aradia has somewwhat gotten back into advventurin noww, still got that gloom side to her. Then there's kar, I wwas vvery surprised to knoww that he forgavve me. I can't understand howw though, maybe it's because gam wwas a tole on him. He's getting "nicer" but still has that adorable short temper..... did I just think that?! Uuugh! I need to stop these emotions! Anywway Kar has been getting in a lot of trouble for his blood colour, I decided that I wwould help him out wwhen I can. It's the least I could do for him. Pretty sure I don't knoww wwhat my feelings towwards him is, but I'm certain it isn't bad (or murderous).

13:30 pm, lunch time.

I finish writing in my journal and put it away in my bag. I was sitting by myself in the cafeteria, all the students call it the octagon because of the shape and it sorta stuck. I saw humans and trolls come in, get their lunch, meet up with their friends and either leave or stay and sit at a table. I'm usually the type to leave right away but I was feeling lazy today and just wanted to sit down and I didn't exactly have the energy after p.e with my dad. It is by far one of the most craziest subjects I have as all the people in my class claim he has favourites in the class, me being one. It's not true, my dad hates everyone equally. Except for one person I can't quite figure out who, pretty certain he has a secret flushed crush on someone and isn't spilling.

"Hey eridan!"

I turn round and smile slightly

" hey fef"

"Water you doin here all by urshellf?"

"Just thinkin"

"Oh OK! Just thought that because you were alone that somefin was wrong"

I chuckle slightly, same old caring fef. I would say innocent, but no one is after sburb. She sits beside me and before I know it half of my old friends are. Some glare at me (sol mainly), some don't acknowledge me and some just aren't here. I grab my bag and slip away undetected. I walk out the octagon only to see a crowd of people gathered around two others. I roll my eyes, average day and another fight. I don't normally observe the fights, but something drew me to this one. I went and pushed my way to the front. I gasp at what I see.

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