The Date Part 2

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Eridans pov

I run up to my room, I cant believe karkat actually asked me out. I look through my wardrobe for something that wouldn't be to fancy but not to casual. my heart was racing, I decide to go with a nice light blue shirt and denim jeans. I quickly fix my hair and run to the door. I smile at Karkat, I didn't notice that he was wearing a red and black flannel shirt with the sleeves down and black jeans with red converse. 

" You ready?" he asks nervously, I smile, he was cute like this

"Yup, I hope it doesn't get too warm" 

" If it does we can go for ice cream after the movies if you want to" he smiles, I blush slightly and nod

He puts out his hand and I take it in mine. we walk hand in hand just talking to each other like nothing bad had ever happened to us. The nice warmth of the sun was making me feel really happy, being with Karkat just amplified it even more. He takes me down a little forest path that he claims was a shortcut to the cinema. The trees causing little rays of sunlight to shine through the gaps the leaves made, creating a rather nice and calming atmosphere, there was a river next to the path and a little pebble bay dividing it from the path.

"Hey, you wanna stop to throw some rocks into the river?" Karkats voice breaks my wandering mind, I smile 

" Sure! I always liked the noises the stones made as they hit the water" 

The pebbles were all different shapes and sizes and throwing them in was making me smile with the noises they made. Karkat takes off his shoes and socks and rolls up his jeans to his knees. I look at him slightly confused and he just smiles at me as he steps into the river 

"It's actually pleasantly warm" He chuckles slightly, starting to skim the stones down the river

"How did you do that?" I ask, I hadn't learned how to skim stones before but it looked easy

"You want me to teach you?" he smiles and me and I nod fast

He chuckles and walks over to me, he tells me I need to find a relatively smooth and flat stone. After a while of looking I found one. He then shows me how to hold it and then he puts his arms around me to tell me how to throw it. I felt my cheeks getting warmer as he did this, he was really soft and warm. I look at him and he smiles up at me, I quickly look away and clear my throat

"S-so like this?" I do the motion he told me to 

"Yup, exactly like that, but you let the stone go the next time "

"Really?(!) I didn't know that(!)" I say sarcastically and smile at him, he rolls his eyes and laughs softly 

"Just throw the stupid stone" 

I do and the stone only does 2 skims, I felt a little disappointed but Karkat smiles 

" That was good for a first try!"   

"What? It only did 2 skims" I look at him

" When I taught sollux how to do it he just threw it in without doing any of the things I taught him to" 

I laugh, it felt good to laugh around people again. Karkat takes out his phone and looks at it 

"We better start heading to the cinema again, movie starts soon"

"Yeah I meant to ask, what movie are we seeing?"

"Oh its a surprise " he smirks and I blush ever so slightly

After Karkat dries his feet and gets his shoes back on we start walking again. There was a bridge that goes over the river. Me being me I go right over it, Karkat following behind me. As I'm walking along the bridge I realize that the river goes into a mini waterfall, I smile and look over the edge

"Careful!!"  karkat holds my arm, I look at him 

"What, I wasn't going to tip over the edge"

"I know I was just worried" he mumbles and looks away, a blush going across his face. I smile and kiss his cheek, making the blush go brighter

" Come on, don't wanna be late" I smile and start walking again, he nods and walks beside me, taking my hand again

We get into the cinema and it was surprisingly empty for a Saturday, karkat asks me to wait as he goes to get the tickets for the seats. I was in charge of getting the food so I just got a giant pop corn holder and two drinks for us. I meet back up with karkat and go to the line that would let us in, he gives the tickets to the worker who tells us what number of screen to go to. As we walk I look at all the posters of the movies that are out and are coming out, I see the one for Avengers Infinity War and make a mental note to go see it with Cronus. As we walk into the room where the movie is being shown I can see Tavros and Gamzee up at the back. Karkat and I wave at them and they wave back happily. We sit in the middle of the seats and the commercials start.

Karkats pov

As I sit down in my seat I hold Eridan's hand, blushing softly. I couldn't believe he actually agreed to seeing a movie with me, and on such short notice too. He leans towards me 

" so can I know what were seeing now?"

" Ok, so you know how everyone at school was talking about the LGBTQ movie that was coming out?"

" Yeah, I wanted to go see it but no one would tell me what it was called"

"Well, its called Love Simon, and that's what were going to watch"

I can see him smile wide and get more comfortable in his seat, he quickly leans over and kisses my cheek and I feel my face heat up instantly. The lights dim and the film starts.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the film ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As we walk out the cinema I noticed that throughout the entire film I was holding Eridan's hand. I smile and look at him, he was talking about how good the film was but I wasn't really paying attention, he just looked so handsome. I smile wide 

" So is the ice cream idea still on?" I ask

" You know it, that would make the day just perfect" he smiles and I chuckle

I walk with him to the ice cream parlor and offer to pay but he refuses. We sit in a booth by the window opposite each other 

"You paid for the cinema tickets, let me pay for this " he says stubbornly 

"I'm supposed to pay, I asked you out"

"Karkat please, let me do this for you" he gives me puppy eyes and I sigh 

" Ok ok fine, curse you and your adorableness"  

He just chuckles as we give our orders to the waitress. I look over at Eridan 

" I never asked what you wanted to be when your older"

"Oh that, I'm not actually sure, I keep going between artist and a history teacher"

"Well what do you enjoy to do in your free time?" I ask, trying to help 

"I like looking at beauty videos on youtube, watching some fashion shows on tv and coming up with new ways to accessorize my own clothes"

I smile " Well, how about a fashion designer?" 

He looks up at me like it just occurred to him that that's a job 

"Yeah! Oh that would be awesome! Thanks Kar" he smiles wide and I cant help smiling either  

"What about you, what do you wanna be when your older?" 

" Oh uh" I chuckle " I actually was thinking of being a director, and if that doesn't work out maybe an actor" 

"Makes sense with you being obsessed with rom coms and other films" he chuckles

Just then our ice cream comes to the table and we continue talking about what we want to do in the future, what we want to happen and our plans. 

After all the talking, Eridan pays for the ice cream and I start walking him home. We didn't speak, we didn't have to, it was like we could speak without actually talking. Hand in hand and smiles on our faces as we enjoy each others company. As I walk Eridan up to his house he turns and smiles at me 

"I had a lot of fun today, thanks for taking me out"

"no problem, maybe we ...could do it again?" I ask, he smiles softly

" Definetly, but next time please don't leave it last minuet " 

we both laugh. I look at him and we both lock eyes, all of a sudden everything blurred out apart from him. I go closer to him a little and he moves closer too. I cup his cheek and just as I'm about to kiss him.... 

The front door opens.

Faces covered with blush we step away from each other a little. We both look at the door and see Dualscar there with a smirk 

" Boys" he says simply

I chuckle nervously and look at Eridan

" I'll talk to you tonight" I kiss his cheek and start walking away

As I'm walking I can hear Eridan shouting at his dad for ruining the moment, his dad just chuckles and lets him back in the house. I get into my house and smile at Kankri as hes reading his book in his spot on the couch, he smiles back at me 

"I assume everything went well?"

"It was amazing!"

" Would you mind telling me about it?" he bookmarks his page and smiles at me

" Sure, gotta get used to telling you things more anyway" 

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