new and exciting feelings

201 6 8

No specific pov

Kankri makes his way down to the ampora house which was by the shore, it was a wonderful view but unfortunately he didn't have the time to walk along the beach. He hopes cronus doesn't mind him suddenly coming to his house and asking to spend some time with him. The ampora house was bigger than my house, but he wasn't surprised. He goes up and knocks on the door

Cronus opens the door, smiling at him “hey kankri, vwhat brings you here?”

" I was hoping I could maybe talk to you if you're not doing anything"

“I ain’t doin a thing, come on in” he opens the door wider

" thank you" kankri smiles and walks in, looking around. It was beautifully decorated in deep violet and gold

" you have a lovely home, cronus"


Kan turns to him " so uh, is there any room where we could talk?"

Cronus takes him upstairs to his room. It was grease themed everything, kankri giggled slightly. There was even a danny body pillow tucked in the bed

" nice pillow..

“Vwha- YOU DIDNT SEE THAT!" He goes pure violet

Kan can't help but chuckle, he sits on the edge of the bed

" so uh, cronus..

“Is something wrong kan?”

Kankri sigh softly and cronus sits beside me. He then hugs him. Kan freezes for a moment, ready to lecture him on physical contact.... but he gives in and hugs back, he can't always be so uptight, cronus is trying to help him

“Vwhats up buttercup?"

"Please don't call me that, and... it's karkat"

“Sorry, vwhat happened?"

"I can't help but feel like he's hiding something from me, he locks himself in the room, spends ages in the toilet, always hides his arms and he hardly even comes down to socialize! As soon as he comes home from school he doesn't even say hi to me anymore and just goes right to his room"

“you vwant him to be able to talk to ya"

" ... I know I'm not exactly the type of troll people want to talk to or with, but karkat... it's just not like him"

“Maybe make him feel like he can confide in you, but that theres no pressure to tell you"

"I tried but he just insisted that everything was fine"

“Hawve you asked him vwhy hes in the bathroom so much?”

" I didn't want to seem intrusive.... also he might just have some bowel issues"

“If it's just that he'd be straight up, you knovw vwhat he's like"

"That is true..

“Kankri if your really vworried tell him that you can help"

" but what if I can't?! What if it's something I don't know how to deal with?!" Kankri tries not to show his fear

“Then someone else vwill, maybe someone professional"

Kankri sighs and cronus rubs his back. Kan look at him

" how are you so good at this?

"I'll get eridan to talk to him, and i'wve been through it before

He look at him confused

"Don't ask

" I'm afraid I can't promise that


Kankri gets genuinely worried and it shows, cronus sighs

“Its nothing kankri

He sigh " alright..... cronus?"

" hm?

" thank you"

“No problem kanny”

" is there anything u want to talk about?"

He cups kankris face and pokes his cheek “nah, im ok. novw vwheres that smile?”

Kan giggle " cronus that tickles!"

Cronus smiles “i lowve it vwhen ya giggle”

Kankri blushes a light shade of red

" cutie"

" cronus please I'm not used to complements" he hides his face in his sweater, his heart begins to race

“Get used to it handsome"


“Yes kankri?" He smirks, suddenly kankris brain decides to stop working

'Wh- I didnt... I mean... why would.... I... u r but......what?"

"N.. nevwermind"

Kankri looks at him and cronus looks away, he feels a little guilty. Suddenly he gets an idea

" you have some paper?"

"Uh yeah?"

"May I borrow some?"

Cronus goes up to his bedside desk and pulls out some paper then hands it to kankri, who takes one piece and starts writing his number onto it

" incase of emergency... or if you just want to talk " he smiles and hands it to cronus

Cronus looks at the paper and screams, kankri jumps at the sudden volume, putting a hand over his heart in an attempt to calm it down, cronus smiles at kankri

"“It took ya long enough to givwe me ur number" he winks

Kankri blushes again " o.. oh I uh.. I was advised by porrim not to but ... she doesn't control me. Plus it was a long time ago, when she said that"

Cronus smiles at kankri and smiles at him, kankri feels his heart begin to go faster. what's going on with me?? He smiles back in an attempt to keep calm


" y..yes?"

Cronus pulls kan closer to him, already kankri can hear his own heart beat. It only gets louder as cronus leans in. Kankri freezes not knowing what to do, his mind racing. Cronus suddenly backs of and a rather unhappy kankri looks at him

"S...sorry, I shouldn't have done that"

For once kankri speechless. He feels himself pulling cronus back to him, he honestly don't know what hes doing.... but it feels right... cronus leans in and kankri closes his eyes, then he  feels cronus's  lips on his and everything just stops. Kankri actually start to kiss back. Cronus holds kankri closer


Kan goes pure red at that noise, cronus pulls back and kankri can't help but be disappointed and a little upset. Cronus smiles at him


Kan can't even form a proper sentence, his brain has just given up. Cronus chuckles and cuddles kankri, his warmth flooding through the lowerblood... " I could get used to this " is all kankri thinks

A/n: this is so freaking cute! I don't know if I'll update again this month but maybe I'll have a Christmas special. Keep reading loves!

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