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Signless' P. O. V

I had been working all week, so I was glad when the weekend came. I was planning on spending some time with Karkat after Eridan left from their sleepover/movie night, but I wasn't sure what we should do together. It had been hard for him after the whole hospital fiasco and I didn't want to do something he wasn't interested in.

As I'm thinking I hear the two boys come down stairs, I look over and smile at them

"good morning" I say in my usual cheery tone

"morning dad" Karkat mumbles

"good morning Mr Vantas" eridan smiles, holding Karkats hand. I smile softly

"you two look very tired, how about I make your breakfasts today hmm?"

"that would be great thanks dad!" karkat smiles and I feel immensely happy he does, I look at eridan and he doesn't seem so sure

"something wrong?" I ask

"its just.. It doesn't seem fair that you make three breakfasts all alone, especially one that isn't for your own son" he looks down as he says this

I stand up and go over, crouching to his height

"don't worry, I can handle it. If something were to happen to you I don't think dual would let you back here " I explain, smiling

Eridan looks up at me, smiling a little "alright.. Just, tell us if you need help"

I nod and go into the kitchen, smiling as I hear the two turn on the TV. Even though it was 9 am Kankri wasn't up, which was odd for him. Maybe he just needed some extra sleep, he was working very hard in college.

"anything specific you boys would like?" I ask, my voice raised a little

"is cake an option?" Karkat yells back at me

I smile "Karkat you know that you're not allowed cake in the morning... But seen as though we have a guest I suppose I'll let it slide just this once" I laugh a little as I hear cheering.

I reach up to the cabinet where I put all my cakes that I had made, brining down the red velvet and placing it on the counter. Cutting two pieces I cover the cake back up and put it back in its place, then taking the two plates into where the boys were.

"thanks" they say at the same time, they turn and look at each other before laughing.

It was nice to hear Karkat laughing more, happiness is important. I sit down on the couch and the boys tuck into the cake

"Wow! This is amazing Mr Vantas! Where did you get it?" Eridan smiles at me

I blush a little and chuckle "well, actually I made it"

"well, it's really wonderful. OH! Do you think I could take some home for cro and my dad?" he asks, tilting his head to the side a little.

I smile "I don't see why not"

He smiles and goes back to eating the cake.

Eventually Eridan left, being picked up by dual. Before he left I made sure he had three pieces of the red velvet cake, and Karkat kissed his cheek. The boy leaving with a light purple blush. Me and Karkat stay at the door as he climbs into the car, waving at us and of course we wave back. I see dual also wave and I smile, my cheeks feeling warmer as the car drives off. Karkat smirks up at me

"do you still like Mr Ampora?"

"just because I'm blushing doesn't mean it's because of dual" I say, closing the door

"oh yeah? Then why are you blushing?" he smirks more

"I.... It... Uh..." I struggle to think of an explanation and Karkat laughs a little. I smile and lightly shove him

"go wake your brother up"

Dualscar's P O. V

After driving Eridan back home I helped get his things inside

"have fun?" I ask as we walk up to the front door

"yes! I can't wait till next Friday, oh Mr Vantas also gave us some cake he made, it's really good" Eridan smiles as he goes inside

"sign bakes?" I mutter to myself as I close the door and give Eridan his clothes bag. He hands me the container with three pieces of cake before rushing upstairs.

I take the cake through to the kitchen, it looked amazing and perfectly baked. I smile and place it in a cabinet. My mind wandering to the thought of signless. All the places we went and all the things we did together before we died.

"Dad!" cronus yells and I snap out my thoughts. Turning and looking at him


" are you OK? "he asks, smirking and folding his arms

" yes of course I am.... Why? "

He chuckles" oh no reason, its just you were staring at the kitchen wall and blushing..... We're you thinking of sign again?! "he smiles

"....... " I look away from him and he laughs a little

" come on dad! He's not going to bite if you ask him out" he says as he gets a bowl for his cereal

"true, but what if he doesn't remember all the times we had before he died, coming back does take away some memories" I explain

"oh he does" cronus says calmly

"wh-... How do you kn-"


Now it makes sense, he was spending more time with kankri and I suppose the subject of parents must have come up at some point. I look at cronus who was still waking up, bed hair and all

"listen dad, I don't want to see you all alone. I mean, eri had Karkat and I'm thinking of asking out kankri, and don't say mindfang because she wasn't good for you. She was a taker, you need a giver" he sighs, looking at me

I smirk "and when did you become the love expert?"

"since I started knowing what love is" he sasses, walking away with his breakfast.

I chuckle, maybe he has a point.

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