Two player game

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Sollux's pov

 I was sitting in the comic book club, face buried in my sketchbook as i draw a very detailed picture of batman. In the comic book club you can do anything within a fictional universe, it doesn't need to be a comic book world but its one of the main things so they just called it the comic book club. I usually went with karkat before we kinda grew distant. Although with recent events we've been getting back to our old selves. The door to the club opens and I look up for a second. I have to do a double take because it was someone I didn't expect...

 It was Karkat  

He sits across the table from me and smiles a little. I sit up properly instead of slouching over my sketchbook, giving him a small smile 

"Hey kk"

"Hey sollux, how are you?" he asks, ever since our ...argument, he always asks me how I'm doing now 

"Better, Terezi helped me figure out a schedule to fit in some personal time. So I'm not as stressed anymore" I explain and he nods 

"That's great!" he smiles, I chuckle a little 

"What about you? Getting any better know " I mumble out, even though everyone in the god damn school knew about what happened I still consider it as a touchy subject

"I mean... I've been getting better, but sometimes I get cravings" he shrugs and rubs his arm a little

"Cravings? You mean like wanting to do it again?" I ask and he nods. 

Sighing softly, I look at him " Listen Karkat, you know you can talk to me about this if you ever need it. We are friends again, and friends help each other out"

He smiles a little and relaxes, I didn't even notice that he was tense. Probably wondering if we were really friends again, me saying it must have helped him figure it out

"Yeah I know, it's just that sometimes I don't know what to say. It's like coming out as gay for humans" he smiles and I laugh a little 

"Yeah, I get it" 

He looks down at my sketch book and looks up at me amazed 

"Wow! Did you do that? It looks pretty accurate " 

I blush a tiny bit and smile "Eh, it's alright, not one of my best drawings" I say modestly and we both end up laughing

He calms down and looks at me "hey uh.... I was wondering" 

My smile fades a little and I look at him "Yeah?"

He takes a breath " I know we haven't really hung out in a while so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come to my house tonight for a sleep over or whatever, if you don't want to i totally understand and i wont hold anything against you"

he says pretty fast and it takes me a second to understand what he just said, then I start laughing. he look at me and pouts 

"whats so funny?!"

"Heh, it kinda is. Why wouldn't I wanna hang out with you? Its just, I thought Fridays were Eridan days" I tilt my head a little 

"oh yeah, Eridan and i both decided that we would make up for it next Friday, which means 4 movies..... anyway is that a yes?" he asks

"yeah sounds cool, just gotta head home after school and pack the essentials " I shrug and smile 

"awesome, I'll meet you in the front hall after school and come with you" 

we both agree and talk for the rest of the lunch period.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

karkats pov

After a pretty eventful trip to sollux's house with mituna insisting on him coming and his father saying that he had to stay at home, much to tuna's disappointment, we make it to my house. kankri was in the living room on the laptop, probably doing some more college work and I could hear dad in the kitchen. sollux shouts a hi through to him and my dad shouts one back to him, kankri just smiles at him and he nods back. we make it up to my room, I was sure to clean it the night before so I i wasn't that worried about sol thinking I was a slob. He puts his bag on one of my bean bags and smiles at me 

"so, whats the plan?" he asks 

"well there was this musical I thought you would be into, I was thinking we could watch it?" I shrug

he groans " a musical? really? is it going to be a cringe romance one?" he looks at me with a face of anguish 

i laugh and shake my head "no, I know you hate those things, but this one is pretty interesting"

he sighs and finally agrees to watch. we sit on my bed and I get it on my laptop, as we watch it I notice sollux starting to get interested in it 

"wait whats this called again?" he asks 

I smirk "It's called Be more chill" 

"this isn't at all what I thought you meant by musical" he smiles a little 

"yeah, I thought you would like it with all the game theme" I explain and he nods 

"oh! dude have you seen this film called ready player one?" he looks at me like a little kid 

I shake my head and he looks at me like I just insulted his lusus 

"WHAT?! we're so watching it after this!" he smiles and I laugh a little

It felt great hanging out with sollux again, we really didn't get to do it a lot so when we did it was like we were 5 sweeps old again. Then with the whole hospital incident he wouldn't leave me alone for a day, saying how sorry he was for snapping at me and that he would never do it again. As awkward as it was at first, it soon turned into a bit of a joke and we ended up laughing our asses off. Even though it turned into a joke, I knew he meant every word. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ another time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a pretty good film and sollux freaking out about every little game reference in it, we started binge eating sweets and just talking about school and what we wanted to do in the future. Apparently but not surprisingly sol wants to be a game developer or comic book artist, I mentioned myself maybe going into the acting world or being a director. He just smiled and said if i ever got into doing a Marvel or DC film, that I was to get signatures for him. We laugh and then get called down for dinner, although we got to take it back up to my room and watched some gaming channels. Sollux turns and looks at me 

"Hey, just wanted to say thanks for being my friend" 

I look at him surprised, this was very sudden 

"yeah? it isn't a big de-

"Don't say its not a big deal. It's a very big deal, I know I'm an asshole like 95% of the time but you've stuck with me through it all" he smiles a little and I blush

"...are you having a sugar rush?"

"probably" he laughs and I snicker

I hear knocking at my door and go and open it. Kankri was standing there with a phone 

"its sollux's dad, he's just calling to make sure he's ok"

sollux groans and gets up, taking the phone and walking down the hall. I laugh as I hear him insisting to his dad that he's fine. kankri smiles at me 

" I'm glad you two are still friends"

"Yeah, me too" I smile, feeling a whole lot better knowing I still have quite a few friends.

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