The Important Question

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Karkats pov

It was early in the morning when I woke up, my anxiety was kicking in and I couldn't get back to sleep, today was Eridans birthday and also the day I was going to officially ask him to be my boyfriend. Even though we've been on a couple of dates already I was still scared he would say no. 

Breakfast was interesting as kankri decided he would cook and in the process turned the kitchen turned into a fog room. After clearing the cloudy kitchen dad cooked breakfast and kankri sat there sulking. After breakfast we all got ready to go to the ampora house, I decided on wearing a white polo shirt with a waist coat, nice black dress pants and black trainers. As I walked down to the living room and saw that kankri wore a shirtwaist red dress with a purple belt, black thigh highs and black t-strap heels. I was happy to see that he was way more comfortable with himself after he told me and dad that he was a femboy a few months ago. Then dad came out in a nice light brown jumper and blue jeans with dress shoes too. All dressed and ready to go with presents in hand we all got in my dads car and left for the Ampora's. 

When we got there a few cars where already parked and I could tell exactly who was there and who wasn't. So far it seemed like the Piexes Serkets Leijons Makaras Zahhaks Maryams and Nitrams were there. Taking a breath I knock on the door and fix myself up one more time right before the door opened and I was encased in a hug, I could tell that it definitely wasn't Eridan as I'm picked clean up off the floor without trouble. 

"I'm so glad you guys could make it, I was beginning to worry"

"Cronus, were only 2 minuets late" kankri explains as Cronus puts me down 

"I know, but your always so.... punctual kanny" he explains 

Kankri blushes and dad and me just walked in while the two love bird talked at the door as Cronus complimented how amazing kankri looked. Inside was full of people we knew and I started getting really sick to my stomach, I'd have to ask Eridan when no ones around. I'm glad to see that everyone is dressed fancy like and it wasn't just my dad pulling a prank on me. 

"KAR! YOU MADE IT!" I hear Eridan shout and I turn around only to be tackled right to the floor

I laugh a little and hug eridan, but I notice hes not in any kind of suit but a dress. I help him stand up and look at him more. He was wearing a purple knee high dress with a silk bow going round to the back, he had on black tights and was in a pair of heels. I feel my face start to warm up and he tilts his head a little 

"Kar? Are you alright? You're going red"

"Huh? oh yeah I'm fine, you look .....gorgeous " 

"Aaww thank you so much, I was worried about what you would say and I just wanted to be honest with you that I'm a femboy" he rubs his arm nervously and smiles a little at me 

"A femboy?" I ask, then start smiling " Did you think it was gonna change anything?"

"A little... you're really Ok with it?" 

I laugh " Eridan, take a look at my brother for a second alright?"

He does and his face lights up, I smile and kiss his cheek " Yeah kankri is a femboy too, besides I always had a hunch you were"

"He looks wonderful"

"Not as wonderful as you do" I smirk and he blushes " Oh uh here, I got you a present" I say and hand him said object

He smiles and he starts to open it, I get a little anxious as he pulls out the seashell picture frame that holds a picture of us laughing together. He start smiling wide and hugs me tightly, I stagger a little bit but hug him back.

"I love it! "

"I'm glad, I was really worried you wouldn't like it"

"Are you kidding me!? This is like something the girl would get in a romcom!" he giggles and I chuckle, he pecks my cheek and I blush which causes him to laugh more. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip to a few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After eridan opened his presents and we had lunch I asked him to follow me to the back garden. Confused he did so holding my hand and I tried to calm down my nerves, I felt like my heart was pounding and about to break through my chest at any second. When we get to a good enough place, being a tree swing near a river that goes through his garden, I ask him to sit down. He looks at me slightly worried as he sits down.

"Is everything Ok karkat? You look like you're about to take off running" 

"It's really tempting but I'm determined to say this to you" I take a breath as he pays even more attention to me. 

I count down from 3 and look at him " Eridan, I wanted to thank you so much for being there for me when I might not have wanted it, for looking after me after I messed up so many times. No matter what I did after the game you always seemed to forgive and be there for me so I have a really important question that I need to ask you. I need you to understand that this is really hard for me to say because every ounce of my body is telling me to just leave this whole situation and not ask you " I say pretty fast and eridan looks like hes processing the whole collection of words I just said.

"'re really nervous about asking me a question?" He asks and I nod, glad he understands. He smiles and takes my hands.

"You can ask me anything"

"....Ok" I sigh softly 

"So whats the question?"

".....I wanted to ask you for some time but I was always so scared. so uh.........would you like to be my boyfriend?" I close my eyes as I say this, slowly opening them to see his reaction.

He was smiling and tears were at the corner of his eyes, I start panicking 

" Oh gosh I'm so sorry I didn't want to make yo-" I'm cut off by his lips pressing against mine

I blush deeply but kiss back, holding his hips as his arms wrap around the back of my head. Slowly he pulls back and cups my cheek. 

"Of course I will be! If anything I was going to ask you next week, but I need you to tell me when you're upset or angry or depressed so that I can help you" he smiles

It feels like a whole 7 ton weight was taken off my shoulders when I hear him and I smile so wide. I pick up eridan and spin him and he laughs.

" I promise I'll try and tell you whenever I'm upset or angry" I say as I hug him close

"good, I love you karkat" 

" I love you too eridan"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" And thats how I asked your mother to be with me" I smile as I hold my son in my arms

"Aawww! That's so cute dad!" Max says as he holds his dolphin teddy close to him 

Max was 7 years old, he had red eyes but fins and gills. He was a purple blood, had somewhat messy hair, freckles and horns that went up then down and rounded at the end. He had asked me a while ago how Eridan and I got together as he was writing about a love story for his class project and decided to base it on ours. I smile and tousle his hair 

"Glad you think so, now go on and finish your homework" I take him off my lap and he runs back to the table to finish his writing. As I watch him I twirl my wedding ring and smile, I feel a pair of arms behind me and I smile and lean back to kiss Eridans cheek. He giggles and blushes as I turn to hug him more. 

A lot of thing has changed from when I was younger. For one thing I'm now a big time director and Eridan is a fashion designer and very proud of it. Kankri now has a big photography company and Cronus is the top hair stylist in said company, both are expecting their second child James after having a baby girl named sandy, they're also engaged. Dad FINALLY got his own bakery and is happily married to dualscar who gives boat tours. Many futures has came true and I'm so happy they did.

The end

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