Getting to know you better

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karkats pov:

I go to yell at the person I bumped into ( even though its my fault), I freeze when I realize who it is. Eridan stumbles back a bit, looking at me and smiling a little

" Oh hey kar"

" H..hey, I thought you would already be home" I say, slightly embarassed that I bumped right into him

" Nope, I felt like havving a wwalk, wwanna wwalk wwith me?"

" Sure, I've got nothing else to do" I try playing it cool

" Are you alright?" he starts walking, looking at me worried slightly

"Yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?" I pull down my coat sleeves a little

"You look a little dowwn and I'm wworried about you" he tries to hold my arm but I move it away

" I'm fine Eridan"

" Kar"


He suddenly takes my wrist, I pull it away on instinct as the cuts are still a bit sensative, this causes him to look more worried

" Kar wwhats wwrong...."

"Nothing, just drop the subject"

He looks down " sorry...I'm just really wworried about you, I'd hate to think that something is wwrong and you cant tell me about it"

I'm taken back by his concern, I think for a second

" ....I promise I'm fine"

He looks at me, a genuine sad look in his eyes " promise me youll tell me if something is wwrong"

" I promise I will"

I somewhat lie. He nods and takes my hand making me blush a little.

" Wwanna come to my place?"

My mind starts racing, I try to calm myself down

"U...uh cant we just have a walk? I wanna know how youre doing" nice karkat

" Me? I'm just tryin' to make evveryone realize I'm not gonna kill em" he shrugs and I chuckle a little

" People still think I'm a murder boy" he sighs " But hey, at least I'm not in half anymore right?"

" Yeah, dont want you having a ... split.... personality" I mentally face palm, why did i say that?!

Eridan starts laughing slightly, I smile nervously. He liked that joke?! My mind starts racing. If I keep up making him laugh it means maybe we'd be closer. He stretches and looks at me

" I'vve missed your company, Kar"

" have?" my heart beguins racing, keep calm for fucks sake!

He starts leading me somewhere, I look around not knowing where the fuck I am

"Where the hell are we going?"

"The sea!" he smiles happily at me, I chuckle as he swings his arm which causes mine to

"It's fucking winter!"

"Oh...right" his fins droop a little as he leads me a different way. I look at him slightly upset

" Hey, we can go if you want to"

" It's ok Kar" he says looking up at the sky, probably getting snow on his glasses

" Are you sure?" I smile slightly at the sight

He looks back at me, his lenses covered in snow

" Yeah!" he smiles, I snicker and take off his glasses and clean them for him

"Here" I say as I clean them, he looks disorientated as I take them off. I soon hand him back his glasses

" There, all clean" I smile

" Wwhere the fuck are you?" he was looking around, I try not to laugh as I take his hand and put his glasses in his hand. He puts them on and smiles

" Thanks karkles"

" Oh Gog please dont call me that" I chuckle at the nickname

" Wwhat should I call you then? babe?" he jokes, I go red and look away to the side

"W...whatever you want to, as long as its not silly"

"Are you blushin?! Aaawwwwww!" he chuckles

" IM NOT!" I hide my face in my scarf

I suddenly feel a rush of warmth as eridan hugs me, I hold back the purring and look up at him. my face probably as red as a tomato, Eridan mutters one simple word


I smile and slowly start hugging back, he gently rubs my back and I purr silently.



"Your cute purr"

" I...It's not cute!"

" It's very cute!

i pull away from the hug " So uh... what now?"

"Wwanna go back to mine and wwatch a movvie?"

" Sounds great" I smile and follow him as he shows me to his house

(( A//N- bold text is thoughts if you didnt understand))

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