This Is How Many People Care

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Eridan's p.o.v

I'm walking to school casually when I notice that there's an ambulance at the entrance of the school. Curious, I walk over, but I'm not prepared for what I see. Karkat was on a gurney with bandages all around his arms, cuts on his face and blood covering him. My heart just dropped upon seeing this, I feel sick to my stomach, my head spinning. I hear the ambulance crew talking

" He's stable but we need to get him to A and E"

I calm down a little knowing that hes not dead, just unconscious. I want to know what happened to him though, what caused this all to happen. I go around, asking everyone but none of them knew what happened. Then I ask Sollux, who was sitting in the corner of the main hall with his head on his knees. I'm not the best with sollux, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't try to cheer him up

" Sollux, are you alright?"

"do I look alright?"

" no you look like shit, but that's everyday. I meant emotionally" I sit beside him. he sighs

" no... this never would have happened if I didn't shout at him, if I didn't loose my temper... if I just read the signs that he was..... he...."

" he wwhat?" I'm getting scared now, did karkat do that to himself?

" that he.... cut, that he was depressed" he says quietly

that was the confirmation of my worries, i cant believe it, karkat... why didn't I make sure he was fine? 

" he... cut himself? so he did that all to himself?"

" no he didn't, Jason handed him the knife, convinced karkat he meant nothing to us all"

"that's not true! i need to get to the hospital quick!" I stand up 

"you don't have a car, stupid"

hes right, i dont

"..... but my brother does"

Sollux just looks up at me, with this face of *you cant be serious*

Before I knew it, I was in the passenger side of Cronus's car racing towards the hospital (but staying within the speed limit). We actually get there fast, i rush in while Cronus calls kankri. I run up to the front desk

" Karkat Vantas please!"

the lady behind the desk jumps a little at my sudden outburst, types in karkats name and looks at me 

" hes in an x ray area right now and needs to be cleared about his injuries but you can wait here for when hes in a room. It'll take quite some time though. I'll say his name and room number and that's when you can head in, please sit down" and with that she went back to whatever she was doing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~few minuet time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was pacing in the waiting room, I didn't even notice that my dad and Mr vantas had came in along with kankri and everyone else from the game. Even john, Dave, Jade and rose had came. I cant wait to see the look on kars face when he sees that there's so many people that care deeply for him. I decide to sit down and scan the room, just to see what everyone might be thinking. 

Aradia was sitting next to Equius, both holding the others hand as they look at the schedule of room visits, watching karkats every second. Tavros was nearly having a panic attack from all the things he thought would happen to karkat, but Gamzee was calming him down, saying karkat would be alright. sollux was now the one pacing, staring right at the floor with tear stains on his cheeks, probably blaming himself for this whole thing. I'm about to go up and help him but Terezi beat me to it, a worried look on her face but a calming tone when she talks to sollux. This seems to calm him down. Nepeta was sitting in Feferi's lap while fef pets her head, i can also see that Nepeta had been crying from the tear stains and how green her cheeks were. Kanaya certainly didn't look the calmest, but she wasn't the most worried, she knew karkat was strong and that this is only going to get better.... at least i think that's what shes thinking. shes just staring at karkat's bag that Mr Vantas had brought in, a tear runs down her cheek. I don't normally see Vriska all tense and emotional, but this was a rare occasion where she is, saying that shes gonna beat up Jason, make him pay, but dad just calms her down, saying that that wont solve anything. definitely the one who was the most worried was kankri, i don't think I've ever really had a conversation with him, but from what Cronus tells me, kankri doesn't like to share his emotions and likes to keep them to himself as he doesn't want to seem vulnerable. I think he was tired of bottling them all up and just let loose, because he was crying at the same time as muttering things to himself, i couldn't hear exactly what words he was muttering but they didn't sound nice in regards to himself. It's at this point where Cronus stands up and goes over to him, softly putting his hands on his shoulders and telling kankri to sit down while he gets him a coffee from the machine, kankri sighs, nods then sits down. Mr Vantas wasn't doing good either, you could tell from his posture that he was tense and worried, and not just a little bit. it was extreme, so extreme that my dad just ended up hugging him. This visibly relaxes him. I look over at the humans, not expecting them to be in the exact same state as everyone else. Dave was holding Johns hand while John tries to figure out where it all went wrong. Rose was reading her book, but the way she was holding it ( which was griping the cover) you could tell she was anxious. Jade was looking at her hand, wondering if she was warned about his event from her little strings, i know what ones mean something bad is going to happen, and she had not one indicating that. i get so lost in looking at everyone else that i almost don't hear the nurse call kars name and room number. Almost. 

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