Brotherly help

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Eridans P.O.V

karkat was in view, fighting a random human. both of them with small injuries. the human had short brown hair and green eyes, black jeans with a white shirt that had italian writing on it. I gasp and look at them


karkat looks at me for a split second, before getting punched. I run over, karkat pushes me out the way before I get punched, he then kicks the human in the stomach.  I pull them apart

"stop!" my voice sounded desprate

the human pants softly, karkat growls at him. I push the human away and pick up karkat

" HEY PUT ME DOWN!" he yells, the human laughs, I kick the human in the stomach and growl

"back off nooksniffer"

the crowd laugh, i put karkat down and hit the human with a book. karkat rolls his eyes and pulls me away. i huff softly, kar takes me into a hall and looks at me

" what the hell eridan?! i had that, i can handle myself"

"no, i didnt wwanna see you get hurt"

" im fine!" he says agrivated, blood dripping from his burst lip. i gently whipe it away with my thumb

"no you're not"

" its just a little blood, nothing to get your nook in a twist. humans do have the same blood colour as me just not as prominant"

" ...ok" i sigh

" but......... thanks" he says looking away from me.

I smile softly, he whipes his mouth. this action causes his candy blood red to smudge on his face

" ....see you later" he walks off

" see you kar!" I smile more a little

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip cause i can~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Still Eridans P.O.V

I was sitting on his bed, doodling nonsense over some homework. Little did I notice I was doodling karkat, i glance at the little karkat and blush a little. thats when the realisation sets in


cronus runs in



"oh cod, vwhat is it?" he sits on the end of my bed

" i think im in lovve"

he chuckles " oh that"

" heeeeelp!"

"vwell vwhose the feelings for?"

"karkat vvantas...... i think...... I DONT KNOWW!" i wail

he laughs a little, i just pout

" so vwhats the problem?" he smiles softly, hes always so genuine when im in need. thats what i like about cro, he can be an ass but hes a great big brother

" im confused"

"vwhat about exactly?"


"yeah i guessed that, i mean vwhat area"

" howw do i knoww i lovve him?!"

" oh uh, vwell..... its kinda hard to explain. its different for evweryone. vwhat do you feel around him?"

"I uh... wwell i feel all happy and smiley and i wwant to hug him and-" he covers his face, cro smirks


"i wwant him"


"Not like that!!"

he laughs " just pulling your leg bro. and yeah you havwe it bad for him"


" you're so red for karkat"

"NNNNNNNNGH!" i whine and flop back on my bed, he laughs a little. I put my head in my hands, he pats my back. I peek out at him and he has a kind smile on his face.

"you knoww wwhat this feels like right?"
" oh yeah" he chuckles then pauses " shit"


" uh.... nothing" he looks to the side and blushes purple

"oooooooooooooo" i taunt, smirking. he looks at me

" vwhat?!"

" cro has a cruuuuuuuuuuuush!"

" DO NOT!"

" DO TO!! its kankri isnt it?" i smirk more



"SHUT UP!!" he hides his face


" Vwhatevwer! its nevwer gonna vwork because hes celibate!"

" you're human"

" yeah no shit"

"dont sass me" I pout, he sticks his tongue out. I stick my tongue out back, he sighs.

"vwhat does being human do with kankri's celibacy?"


"... oh my cod, thats right! celibacy only applies to those in your species. humans and trolls are in different species!" he looks hopeful

((i dont know if it does but hey, thats my loop hole for cro cro))

" noww go and eat ass or ill make you"

"uh id rather vwork my vway up"

i laugh " i wwas kiddin"

" oh.... heh right" he chuckles nervously. i smile

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