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I wasn't going to lie to myself, I was doubting whether Jin would wake up.

As my hand curled around his cold hand and I leaned down to put my ear against his chest, I felt the fear rise inside of me slowly. His breathing was slow, but it was even. He was paler than usual and his wounds hadn't been treated.

Hell, none of our wounds had been treated.

I heard the water of the shower turn on which meant Jimin was currently taking one. I sighed and closed my eyes briefly before sitting back up and standing to go find a first aid kit.

There had to be one in here somewhere. They couldn't just leave us unattended with fucking parts of our bodies bleeding.

Who the fuck am I kidding? Of course, they could, and they would.

I rummaged through the drawers that were attached to the dresser, finding only empty compartments that were meant to be for our clothes when we organized them. I clenched my fists tightly together as I kept searching and searching until I finally looked under one of the beds and saw the white box with a red cross painted on it.

I pulled the plastic container out from under the bed and stood back up, walking to Jin's bed and sitting on it once again.

I opened the box up and took out gauze pads, quietly unwrapping a bit and setting it on Jin's nightstand for when I needed it.

I pulled out the adhesive tape and some ointment. I began to work slowly as I moved his head to the side ever so carefully and tending to his wounds on his face; applying ointment and bandaging them up with a butterfly stitch here and there and a band-aid.

I looked at his arms and saw a few bruises and a badly damaged wrist.

I swear to God if they've broken his wrist.

I picked it up carefully and examined it, pressing on it slowly and softly, looking up ever so often just in case I got a reaction out of him; nothing.

It didn't feel broken so does that mean it was or wasn't? I'm not a fucking doctor. I wouldn't have to worry about this shit if we hadn't gotten kidnapped.

As I wrapped his wrist in gauze, I began to wonder if anyone back home noticed we were gone.

I mean, none of us lived with our parents anymore since we all moved to Seoul on our own. Unless someone noticed and contacted our parents.

Oh, God, what if our parents are freaking out? I would be if my kid had gotten kidnapped and taken somewhere I didn't know.

As I thought about it, I wonder if Taehyung had thought about what was going on back home. If he had, I wonder if it had killed him to think that there were no parents worrying for him right now.

No, Tae was a strong guy. He could handle the thought. Besides, something worse is probably happening to him right now to distract him from it.

I thought about what could be happening to him right now; if he was being hurt, abused, or tortured.

I cringed and tried to distract myself as I lifted Jin's shirt to see bruises and cuts littering his stomach. I sighed and shook my head, but stopped once I felt a pain shooting from my spine all the way to my neck.

I guess I was too busy fretting over stuff in my head to notice the pain. It was probably from one of those douche bags almost snapping my damn neck during the process of kidnapping us.

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