The Door

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Jin was chewing on his fingernails and Yoongi's leg was bouncing up and down from the anxious feeling filling the room. Jimin and I glanced at each other before turning back to the other two.

"Okay, so the plan is we'll wait for everyone downstairs to go to bed. It might be a while because when I was," I gulped a little after talking, thinking about that night catching in my throat. "When I was in the room that night, Jungkook didn't come for me until late. It's currently," I stopped to look at the digital clock, "11:37 PM. At 2:00 AM, we're going to leave the room and quietly sneak down the steps to the living room. We'll open the door that leads to the secret room and close the door. Hopefully, we'll immediately see a door that leads the way out, but if not, we'll search for one. When we find the door, we'll-" Yoongi cut me off mid-sentence.

"You mean if we find the door." We all stared at each other.

"When we find the door," I continued with a hard stare shooting in the direction of Yoongi, "we'll leave. I don't know where we're at or what's outside this house, but we'll quickly figure out what to do once we get out there."

"Taehyung, there's no guarantee that there is even a door in there. There may not even be a door anywhere in these two stories that will lead outside," Jin spoke up. I shook my head frantically. I know I was getting my hopes up way too fast. We haven't even made it out of our room safely, but with the things I have experienced during our time here, they can't blame me for my hopes rising after finding something that might get us out of here.

"We never thought about how there could be a basement," Yoongi spoke up again, looking past me and Jimin at the wall behind us. He was right, we never did think about that.

"You're right about that, Suga. But there has to be a door somewhere, Jin. If not, how did J-Hope make it out of the house to go grocery shopping?" Jimin finally joined the conversation. We all turned to look at Jin, waiting for his response.

"Namjoon could have been bluffing. He's our kidnapper, guys. He can easily lie to us because we don't know these people! J-Hope was probably in his room the whole time. You saw him walking down that hall to what I'm guessing is his room, Taehyung," Jin replied. His eyes were wide with doubt and I know the longer we stay in here, the more he's not going to believe we have the chance to get out.

"Jin," I spoke and leaned in closer to him, "this is a chance we may never get again. Please, I am begging you with my whole being, to just follow along with us and help us as much as you can." I took hold of his hand and brushed off the look I received from Yoongi. I looked into his eyes, speaking my final words. "If we stay here, we are going to die. If we sneak out of here and actually get out of this house, we have a chance to survive. I refuse to let you guys experience what I have during the last couple of days." We all looked at each other, tears in all of our eyes.

"We're going to make it out somehow. If not today, someday. I will make sure of it, or I'll die trying."

We leaned in and hugged each other.

As I said, as long as we have each other, we'll be okay.


It is currently 1:49 AM. We were all sat on the beds still, not even making small conversation. The only movement seen or heard was Yoongi's thumb brushing up and down the back of Jin's hand. We all couldn't take our eyes off of the clock on the nightstand. Jimin even started praying even though I stopped believing in such things since we were even here in the first place.

Too many bad things happen in this world for there to be a God.

The clock changed from 1:54 to 1:55. Only five more minutes until we would finally sneak out of here and run for our lives once we find the door. I know there's a door. There has to be a door. J-Hope got out some way.

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