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Taehyung and I moved away from the now polished and stowed away dishes to begin sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor. Taehyung grabbed a bucket with suds in it and after I made sure no dust or dirt was left behind on the floor, we began mopping it. I took this time to think as I carefully watched the white marble flooring become sleek and glossy. 

I still felt the same from last night. I still wanted to find a way out of here. Even though it seemed as if Yoongi and Jin weren't putting effort into getting out of here, that wasn't going to stop me. I wasn't going to let us, especially Taehyung, suffer in this place. It always felt so cold and unwelcoming in here which was normal since we didn't come here willingly. Maybe, while we're cleaning, I could search for something. Maybe a hidden door or 'passageway' was somewhere in the house.

We finished mopping the floor and put the supplies up while grabbing the ones we would need in order to clean up and dust the living room and dining room.

"I'll sweep and you can dust," Taehyung mumbled and handed me the duster. I grabbed it from his hand and went over to the side tables, dusting them off carelessly. My eyes roamed every empty space, every corner, and every place on the walls and the floors. I would occasionally glance over at Tae to see his eyes always roaming around the room. I noticed he would pick up objects that laid on the coffee table and the side tables. I even saw him pick up a lamp, look under it, then quickly put it down. I wanted to go over there and ask him if he was doing the same as me, but I stopped myself just in case someone was listening in on us, particularly Jungkook since he seemed so fancied with Taehyung.

No, I'm not jealous. It's just that Taehyung and I have always been so close and I didn't like it when other guys asked if he was ok or touched him or looked at him the wrong way. It's only because we've been friends for so long.

Yea, that's it. I'm not jealous.

I moved over to the mantel, making sure to get all of the dust off of the top, picking up a vase and dusting under it just in case. I saw the decoration pieces adorning the mantel and thought they looked beautiful. This place truly is stunning.

"Boys, I'll be in my room. Jungkook is in his room, too. So, if you need us, you can find us there." Taehyung and I both turned around at the sound of Namjoon's voice. We saw him standing there with his arms folded across his chest. He was wearing a soft black sweater with black jeans and his feet were bare. He smirked before continuing, "I'm sure Taehyung could find Jungkook's room easily." Then he walked off, his footsteps padding down the hall in the direction of his room. I looked at Taehyung and frowned when I saw the tips of his ears burning bright red. I went to turn back around, not wanting to see Taehyung's blushing face, when Namjoon popped his head out of the hallway, staring directly at me. I felt nervousness spread in my body when he spoke up. "Don't stay too long by the mantelpiece. There's important stuff by it that I don't want you to fi-," he coughed, "touch. I don't want it damaged."

I quirked an eyebrow but nodded my head and he walked away. I didn't move until I heard a door shut.

"Hm, wonder what that was about," Taehyung mumbled to himself then turned back around to start sweeping around the chairs. I also turned back around, standing in front of the mantelpiece with my grip tightened around the duster. My eyes roamed for anything that looked important. Nothing.

Maybe he was talking about the vase and the picture of a forest that sat atop it, but for some reason, something told me to feel around it. So, I did.

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