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Also, the sequel will be up soon :)



I went into full on panic mode when I felt his hand go limp inside of mine.

"J-Jungkook? What's happening?! Is he still breathing?!" I sobbed out. It was hot in the van. I was sweating profusely and my hands felt clammy as I gripped onto his larger one. I brought his hand to my lips and mumbled against the back of his soft skin, praying to God that he would make it out alive.

I'm going to murder J-Hope and I don't care if I get sent to jail for it or if I end up in Hell if my best friend has died. 

"He's breathing," Jungkook sighed with relief. "But barely. Are we at the hospital?" I can tell he is panicking just as much as I am but I had to stop myself from telling him he has no right to panic. He was one of the people who got Taehyung into this situation. I wouldn't tell him that though because I know Taehyung would be mad at me. I see the way they look at each other now. 

"Yeah, we're here," Jin said quickly and we came to a complete stop. How did he know we're here? I shook away the thought as I reminded myself that I needed to solely focus on Taehyung right now. A weight was lifted from the van and we heard a door slamming shut.

"Okay, get ready everyone," Jungkook spoke loudly and we began to move around. Jungkook lifted Taehyung's head and I took hold of his upper body while Jin held onto his lower as the doors to the van opened up. I didn't bother to look at the familiar scenes surrounding me or even bother to look at Yoongi to thank him because I could finally see Taehyung's face and he was as white as a sheet. His body felt cold through his shirt that was damp with sweat but I could feel my hands burning from his skin. This was not a good sign.

"Yoongi!" Jin yelled as he struggled to climb out of the van with the deadweight of Taehyung's lower body in his possession. "Go to the front desk, anywhere, and tell them we have a man who's been shot in the leg and he's bleeding out!" We weren't met with the sound of Yoongi's voice replying to us but with the sound of running footsteps getting further and further away. We all somehow climbed out of the van together.

"I've got him now," Jungkook mumbled and went to fully grab Taehyung away from us when I stepped back and glared at him, taking hold of his limp head.

"He's my best friend. You got him into this," I growled. There. I let it slip out. I didn't regret it one bit when I saw Jungkook's head fall in shame and his expression changed from worry to upset. "Now move," I mumbled and shoved him out of the way. Jin continued to follow along with me as he carried Taehyung's legs.

"You should be more nice to him," Jin muttered to me and I almost stopped walking from surprise. My eyes widened and I looked at him quickly. We were coming nearer and nearer to the double doors. Where were the doctors and nurses? Where was Yoongi?

"Are you crazy? He kidnapped us! He's the reason we're in this situation!"

"Yes and no. He wasn't the only one who kidnapped us, Jimin. Yes, if it weren't for him helping us get out of the mansion, J-Hope would have never shot Taehyung. But if we stayed in there any longer we probably would have died in there." Jin had a point.

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