Apologies and Tingles

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Ok, so, my lovely friend Cloudyromxnce reminded me of a small, minor detail. At the beginning of the book, the boys had phones, but somehow I forgot to add about how they lost the phones during the kidnapping. Like, when Taehyung was on his phone at the back of the club, it dropped as the boys were struggling to bring him to the van. And for Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin, their phones were left at the table. Jimin had left his at the table when he went to go dance with Namjoon and Jin and Yoongi also left theirs at the table when they went to the bathroom, thinking they would be safe there with Taehyung. (Unless the chapter where they're leaving the bathroom, I put that Yoongi called one of the boys?? I can't remember, but oh well) I hope this clears things up



"I-I was raped."

We stared at each other in silence as I saw Yoongi's jaw clench and Jin's hands curl into fists. Jimin's hands fell from my body and I began to panic.

They think I'm disgusting, don't they? Did I just lose my three best friends?

"I-I take full blame," I stuttered, trying to come up with something, anything just so they would still stick by my side. I couldn't lose them. Not during a time like this. "I deserved it. And I know I'm-I'm not clean anymore, but that doesn't mean we have to stop being friends. Even if you can't look me in the eye anymore, we can still be friends. I don't want you to leave me because of this." I was almost in tears. They all had a look of sympathy and confusion written on their faces and I saw a tear stream down Jimin's face. "S-Say something," I pleaded.

"Why. . . Why would you think we would leave you after something like that?" Yoongi spoke up. My head quickly turned to look at him.

"B-Because I'm filthy now," I answered and my lip wobbled. "You're not leaving me?"

"Jesus, Tae. You're not filthy. And no we're not leaving you. To be honest, this only brings us closer together. We're here for you. Always and forever, okay?" Jin said and went to hug me. I willed myself not to flinch away, and I was successful. My friends would never hurt me.

I began crying happy tears, feeling relieved that they weren't going to leave me, and hugged Jin. Yoongi joined in and I felt at home, even though we were miles away from it. Anywhere with these guys was home.

I looked over at Jimin and felt my stomach plummet. He had tears running down his face and he looked so upset. Did he feel different about me, unlike the other boys? He looked into my eyes and took a few, slow steps towards me with his arms stretched out in front of him. I felt hesitant in what he was doing, but as his arms slowly snaked around my waist and he buried his face into my chest, I knew he was still my Jiminie. He began sobbing into my chest.

"I'm so sorry, Taehyung! You don't deserve anything like that. No one deserves something like that to happen to them! I wish it was me instead of you. You've been through so much. You of all people don't deserve to be handled like that," he said, continuing to sob into my chest. I grabbed ahold of his shoulders and pulled him closer. I felt other arms wrap around Jimin and me slowly and comfortingly.

"It's ok. We'll be ok," Jin whispered and I felt calm in that moment. We hadn't hugged like this in a while and it felt amazing.

Until it was interrupted by a voice yelling at us to get downstairs.

"Boys, you better get your ass's down here or there will be punishment!" It was J-Hope. Of course, it's him. I felt fear as he said the word punishment. I quickly let go of the boys and mumbled for them to hurry up as I rushed out of the door and down the stairs. I saw the back of J-Hope's head as he headed down the hall that leads to the room. I hated looking at the hall. I hated thinking of it.

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