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I couldn't sleep. I knew after waking up from the same nightmare from earlier today that I was not going to be able to go back to sleep. I was so shaken up that I was debating whether or not to go to Hobi's room. I remember telling myself that I would no longer crawl back into his bed when something like this happens but I become so weak after having one of my nightmares. He was like my safe haven when it comes to something like this.

In the end, I gave into my weaknesses and my insecurities and hopped out of bed, dressed in nothing but gray sweatpants, and opened my bedroom door to step out into nothing but pitch black darkness. Hobi's room was only a few rooms down from mine so I walked the short distance and didn't bother to knock on his door. This has happened way too many times.

I twisted the golden knob to his door open and peeked inside quietly, looking at his sleeping form in his bed. I pushed the door open the rest of the way and stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. I inhaled deeply as I began to rethink my actions.

Should I really be doing this? Even after what I had found out about him and how much of a monster he is on the inside?

I sighed to myself once I realized there was no turning back because I would not be able to sleep without his arms wrapped around me. It was so comforting knowing he was there and was willing to not only protect me but care for me at the same time.

I just wish I could look at him without picturing what Mark's face looked like as Hobi took control of his life like that; as he took away the light in his eyes.

I began crawling slowly into his bed, making my way over to his sheet-covered body and gently tapped on his shoulder. He groaned in response but didn't move a muscle. I knew that wasn't going to wake him up so why did I hesitate in fully waking him up like that?

"Hobi," I whispered into his ear and shook his shoulder. He groaned again and I pulled back once he rolled over to face me. He looked up into my eyes sleepily and rubbed the sleep out of them, blinking dazedly. 

"What is it? Another nightmare?" he moaned out and began reaching his arms out towards me. I fell into his embrace as I nodded my head yes, not daring to speak a word about it for I knew I would begin crying. I didn't want to cry over something like that anymore. I felt too weak once I did. "You know you're okay, right?" he mumbled into the crook of my neck. Our bodies pressed together as his arms wrapped around my waist and my leg shoved its way in between the two of his.

"Yea," I mumbled and sighed into his chest. I closed my eyes, having the intentions of falling asleep when Hobi spoke up.

"I heard footsteps earlier. I figured it was Jungkook getting up to get a glass of water but before I heard the footsteps, I heard the bottom of the stairs creak." My eyes opened to be met with his bare chest. I pushed back and fully looked at him.

"Did you go check?" I asked.

"No," he shrugged. "There's no possible way for the boys to get out. Everything is locked and, plus, their door can only lock from the outside." I nodded my head.

"That's true. I figured you of all people would have gone to check just in case." I leaned back into his chest and closed my eyes.

"What do you mean?" he replied and snuggled into my neck.

"I mean you just seem really. . . I don't know. You're more controlling than me and Jungkook."

"I guess that's true."

We laid there in silence for a couple of minutes but I couldn't get the thought of what he had done off of my mind.

"Why did you do it?" I whispered into his chest shakily. It was a few second before he replied.

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