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"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I yelled into the empty room. They were gone. They were all fucking gone! How did they get out? What if they make it all the to the city and turn us in? They don't know how to get back here do they? I was freaking out while Namjoon was standing beside me silently, no expression on his face.

"Why aren't you freaking out? They're going to put us in jail! We're going to be in jail for the rest of our lives, Namjoon! How are you so calm?!" I yelled into his face. He pushed me back gently with his hand on my chest.

"Hobi, we deserve it," he sighed and sat on his bed. My eyes widened. Are you kidding me?

"What?!" I yelled once more and turned to him as he sat down on one of the bed. "You're joking, right?" I scoffed.

"No," he spoke softly and looked up into my eyes. I tried looking away but I simply couldn't. "Hobi, you raped two innocent young men. We've kidnapped fourteen people during our lifetimes and tortured them. We tortured seven of them to suicide. Suicide, Hobi! I can't live with that. Not anymore." I saw a tear stream down his face and then more fell with it. I scoffed and threw my body around until I came back to face him.

"Really? So you're willing to spend the rest of your life in jail just because we hurt a few people? I can't believe you! When we first started this, you said it was okay. You said we wouldn't get caught and that whatever we did to them was fine! Why are you going back on your word, Namjoon?" I stepped closer to him but I didn't expect him to grab my hip softly and pull me closer to him. 

"I'm going back on my word because I realize now what we are doing is wrong. I only started this because I wanted to let all of my pent up anger out on people I barely knew. For years, I struggled with depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts because of what my mother did to me." His voice was shaking as he leaned his forehead on my stomach and I involuntarily brought my hands up to run my fingers through his hair. It was a habit from the many nights we shared together during his vulnerable states. "I'm doing this because I love you with all of my beings," he sobbed. "We deserve this, Hobi. You deserve this." I felt something inside me snap at his words and I pushed back. He looked up at me, his face puffy and red and his eyes bloodshot. I glared down at him and felt anger surge inside of me at the sight of his face.

"If you loved me, you would protect me from this. I'm going to find them whether you want me to or not and whether you'll help me or not. Besides, I don't need your help and I have never needed your help. That's not going to change tonight," I growled and turned on my heel. I was going to go get one of the guns we have stored around the house. Our best one is kept in Namjoon's room. It's a black pistol and it shoots fairly well and the bullets trail really far.

"Hobi, please don't find them. Just let it all work itself out!" Namjoon cried from behind me.

"And let my ass be put in jail? I don't think so," I called behind me and slammed the door behind me.

Thoughts forming from anger were racing through my mind as I quickened my pace and almost tripped going down the stairs. I speed walked to Namjoon's room and threw his door open, it hit the wall during the process and banging back shut from the force. I opened his bottom drawer that held extra sheets and noticed how it seemed to look like someone had already messed with it. He must have changed his sheets recently.

I heard the door open behind me and footsteps stop in their tracks.

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asked.

"Looking for your gun. Do you have it? Because it's not in here!" I yelled in anger and slammed his drawer shut. He looked at me with wide eyes. 

"What do you mean it's not in there?" he asked incredulously and pushed me aside, dropped to his knees and began shuffling through his drawers. "Shit," I heard him mutter and he stood back up, looking at me with realization and surprise.

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