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I dedicate this chapter to one of my best friends, Ollie. Thanks for reading this and encouraging me to continue. I'll make sure to give you all the Yoonseok you want ♡


I clenched my teeth together as I brought the whip back down with such a force I could hear the sound it made in the air before landing on his back.

This didn't turn me on like it had the last few times I'd done this to the other groups we had. Normally, bringing pain on someone like this would make me smile and I would feel excitement at the sounds of pain leaving their mouths.

I knew Taehyung was different to me. So why didn't I stop?

I had to have proof. Proof that I punished the person who broke one of our rules. If I didn't have anything to show to Namjoon tomorrow, I would be in serious trouble for not following the rules.

I could have gone easy on Tae, but I didn't. I had hoped somewhere in his pain that it would suddenly spark something inside me; that familiar buzz of excitement when cries left his lips, but it never came.

I accidentally missed his back and slashed his shoulder and I saw his head flick to the side away from the pain. I watched as his grip on the chains above became less and less intense, which meant he was slowly giving out.

I stopped for a few minutes, breathing hard under my breath and watched as blood trickled down his back and onto his jeans.

I felt a pang inside my heart when I saw tears dripping onto the floor, one by one.

What was happening to me?


As I walked out of the room, leaving the boys there to tend to Taehyung, I began to think to myself what could possibly be causing me to feel this way.

I'm not falling in love because I've never done that before. Surely falling in love doesn't feel like this, I thought, but what if it's just a tiny crush? Maybe that's all it is. Yea, that's it.

I crawled into my bed after taking my shirt off and jeans. I pulled the burgundy sheets over my almost naked body and flicked the lamp on my nightstand off. I looked at my black digital clock to see the red blinking numbers flashing 1:22 AM.

Man, we were in there for that long?

My last thought before falling asleep was hoping that Taehyung was ok.


The pain was so bad. It was excruciating. I found myself clenching and unclenching my hands, my fingers digging into my palm each time I closed my hand.

Jimin had somehow moved me onto his bed and was tending to my cuts softly and tenderly. He was so caring all the time and it meant the world to me.

Silent tears made their way down my cheeks as he worked, and I gasped softly here and there.

"Tae. . .," I heard Jimin say softly as he ran his fingers carefully and comfortingly on my arm. I didn't reply so he just continued. "There's a few that might need stitches."

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