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"Hello, sweets. Would you please hurry up? The others are getting impatient, so would you kindly take Hoseok's hand and follow us to the car?"

I'm so screwed.


I was shaking as this purple haired guy and this J-Hope dude took me by both of my hands and pulled them around so my hands were behind my back. They pushed me forward and I stumbled over my own feet as we walked further and further away from the exit to the club. I had to come up with a plan to get out of this situation and to get to my boys.

Okay, I thought, if I just run for it, I could jump over that fence. Although, I'm not very good with parkour so that would be a 50/50 chance. There's a little alleyway to the left up ahead, so I could also make a run for it and just shoot straight down there. But, then again, I don't know where the boys are. I would have to ask these guys or search for them. I'd have a better chance asking these idiots because who the fuck knows where my friends are.

I began to sweat nervously as I decided to ask them quickly where the guys are and make a run for it through the alley.

"U-Uh, where are my f-friends?" I winced as one of them tightened their hold on my hands. I felt my hand pop and my eyes widened at the sound, but I knew it was just my knuckle cracking. I swear to fuck if they break my hand.

I heard one of them chuckle in my left ear and I shivered in disgust, cringing away from him only to be pulled back. I gasped as my elbow moved in a weird way and tried to situate it again.

"Why would we tell you that, sweets?" a deep voice whispered in my ear.

"I would like to know where you're taking me," I asked, defiance rising in my voice. We were drawing nearer to the alley, and if I didn't get even a single clue on where the boys were, I was screwed on finding them.

"We're taking you to our place. Somewhere far away." I heard this voice from the right of me, meaning it was the other guy now.

"Where the fuck are my friends?!" I yelled. I gasped and whimpered as a hand came smacking down onto my mouth, leaving a stinging sensation after it.

"Yell again and I'll break your hand," a voice growled in my left ear.

Oh, fuck, I thought. I started shaking. This is an advantage, though. One of his hands isn't holding onto mine anymore. Time to break free.

I groaned loudly as I wrenched free my left hand, but had to struggle as they both grabbed onto my right. I turned around to face my captors and they both looked angry as they struggled to pull me back. With no hand covering my mouth, I yelled,

"LET ME GO!" I put one of my feet up against their abdomen and pushed with all of my strength. The J-Hope guy fell to the floor and realizing he wasn't holding my hand anymore, I wrenched free of the purple guy and began to make a left to run down the alley.

Fear rose through me as I started running as fast as I could, adrenaline coursed through my veins and my blood was pumping faster than it ever has. My heart pounded against my chest as I heard footsteps running behind me.

Safe Haven (VKook - BTS Boys) ✔Where stories live. Discover now