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I couldn't sleep for anything. My thoughts were invaded by Taehyung's beautiful face and body and personality. I only felt the need to protect him from now on. I refused to let anyone hurt him, especially Hobi.

I felt nothing but guilt when I thought back to what took place just a couple of rooms away. I could have prevented that but I didn't because I am a coward. Now Taehyung's mindset will never be the same.

None of the other's will ever be the same because of what we have done. We are nothing but monsters.

I was currently laying in my bed, the sheets covering half of my half naked body. I had gotten hot and took my shirt off, leaving me in only a pair of basketball shorts. I sighed in frustration as I stared up at the white ceiling above me. I blinked slowly, trying to rid the thoughts of Taehyung out of my head but it was no use.

He was all I could ever think about now.

With that thought, I stood up from my slightly uncomfortable bed and made my way to my closet to pick out a simple white T-shirt. I slipped it on as I walked to my dresser and pulled the drawer open to reveal a few pairs of pants that I sleep in. I wouldn't necessarily call them pajama pants because they're not called pajama pants. They're called sweatpants.

I grabbed the gray pair of sweatpants that sat on top of a black pair and tugged them on. I walked out of my room quietly, not forgetting to grab a pair of simple black flip-flops. I was going to go outside for a little while. 

I walked down the hallway. I checked the time on the stove as I passed the kitchen and it read 2:30 AM. It was late but I was quite used to being up past an unusual hour because I experienced insomnia often. It wasn't too bad though and I was thankful for that.

I pulled the knob that opened the door to the hideout and waited for the door to begin sliding open. I stepped through and immediately felt somewhat relaxed when the trickling sound of the water running down the walls filled my ears. It sounded like a tiny river and it eased my nerves. 

The door closed behind me and I walked towards the door that lead outside. Namjoon wouldn't like the thought of me going outside let alone knowing that I did go outside. He was too scared that we would get eaten by something in the woods or get caught. 

I chuckled and shook my head at the thought. He was so silly sometimes.

Even though what we have done to many people and what we have been through together, I still love him with every fiber of my being. He is like a big brother to me and I know deep down inside, he is a very caring person and would do anything for Hobi and me.

I opened the door and closed it behind me before I walked down the rest of the dark hallway. We didn't have any lights because we were too afraid it would draw attention to us. We couldn't risk a single thing.

I finally got to the next door and opened it. My eyes were graced with a beautiful scenery. The dark, looming trees and bushes surrounding us with the city lights shining ahead and the stars twinkling above me in the sky took my breath away. I closed the door behind me and walked forward. I decided I would walk little ways down the green hills.

I took my shoes off as I stepped onto the soft green grass. It was wet and squishy against my feet and it tickled my toes as I walked. It made me giggle and I felt like a kid again. I wanted to roll down these hills and get my clothes wet and dirty. I wanted to feel that laugh bubbling up and in my chest and out of my mouth as my body tumbled down the dirt, so I did just that in order to achieve that feeling and laughter.

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