Speed It Up

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^ me when I realize there are only two chapters left (this one is one of them)


I couldn't process anything once I felt the bullet pierce into my left calf. My eyes widened in pain and my body fell backward but after that, it was like everything played in slow motion. I didn't know if it was Jin who was beside me or Yoongi or both. Maybe it was Jungkook. Maybe there was actually nobody there.

My mind could only focus on the pain surging through my leg and up my hip. It was excruciating and soon, it was all too much and I passed out from the pain. I heard distant yells in the back of my mind but soon it was just a ringing silence as I fell into a deep slumber.

The first thing I noticed was that something was moving underneath me. The second thing I noticed was that I was laying on top of something and the third thing was that when I opened up my eyes I was met with pitch black. Was I in a coma? I figured being in a coma would be and feel a lot different. But I knew I wasn't in a coma once I felt someone stroking my hair.

"I'm so sorry all of this happened, Taehyung," a voice whispered to me softly. It was Jungkook. Once I knew it was him, I immediately felt comfortable because I know I can trust him. 

I went to go talk to him but I was cut off once more by him.

"I just," he sighed before continuing. "I want to protect you even though I am the one causing you harm." My breath hitched at his words. He was so different from the man who had hurt me relentlessly the first night we were brought here.

He was someone I could open up to.

He was someone I could love.

I was going to reach up to touch his face when a pain I've never experienced before shot up my leg and into my hip, swimming around in my side. I gasped and cried out in shock, sitting up quickly and I went to clutch onto my leg when someone pulled me back.

"Don't touch it," Jungkook muttered to me softly. My breathing was harsh as I leaned my head back onto his chest.

"It hurts!" I sobbed out and felt the tears start rolling down my cheeks. It hurt worse than before. It was awful. 

He kissed the top of my head and said, "It's okay. We'll be at the hospital soon." My breathing never slowed down once and I tried to grip onto my leg to see if that would stop some of the pain but Jungkook only held both of my hands in his tightly but not enough to hurt me. He was leaning his head into my neck slightly and the feeling of his breath hitting my skin calmed me down a bit.

"W-Who's driving?" I choked out between my tears.

"Yoongi. Jin and Jimin are sleeping I think." We sat there in silence after he was done speaking. I kept whining in pain softly and biting my lip. I know my lip is probably bleeding right now but it's nothing compared to the pain in my leg. I noticed there was something wrapped around it but I couldn't see what it was. Maybe it was to try and stop some of the bleedings.

The bumpiness of the road had gone smooth and I knew we were finally on a road now. I was getting kind of dizzy and I could tell it was from the loss of blood.

I gripped onto Jungkook's arm tightly in fear.

"What is it?" he asked me with worry evident in his voice.

"I'm," I breathed in deeply. "I'm d-dizzy. I think I'm lo-losing too much blood."

"Shit, shit, shit," Jungkook muttered and I felt him kick his leg out. Someone on the other side of the van groaned in annoyance. "Hey, bang on the wall and yell at Yoongi that he needs to speed it up as much as he can."

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