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(Picture of Mason)

Callum's Playlist: Samfish Music August 2017

Callum POV

"So, are you two back together?" I threw a look at Alaina and Dylan who were sitting side by side looking all happy and giddy. I put my lunch on the table when both of them were looking at me like I had growth another head on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at them.

"What are you talking about, Cal? From the start me and Dylan were never broke up. We only have a little bit of an argument, right babe?" Alaina peck his boyfriend's lips and Dylan nodded at her like she was the most beautiful innocence girl in the whole world. That guy was so whipped. I snickered.

"Now, now, don't start eating each other face out in front of our little Callum here or he will lose his appetite." Mason joined our table while smirking at us.

"Hey! How dare you called me small!" I protested at him. Alaina joined forces by putting her tongue out at Mason, mocking him childishly.

As usual Mason chose to sat by my side when we had our lunch, which I appreciated it. I couldn't help but smiled at my best friends when they started to bicker at each other.

Mason suddenly turned to face me. He ruffled my short dark brunette hair affectionately to caught my attention. He looked at my pale blue orbs, piercing it with his beautiful hazel eyes, all smiling. That small action of his had made me stop breathing for a second. Damn it Mason. Couldn't he just stop doing this kind of things to me? It was really bad for my heart.

"What's your lunch today, Cal?" He broke our eye contact and looking at my hands, noticing a sandwich was the answer of his question. I on the other hand, could only staring at him with a blank face since I was too dazed to answer him. He then moves his eyes at our table, eyeing my untouched salad and milk that I hate the most but didn't have a choice to consume since it was needed to balance my lacked of nutrition.

"Callum, I know you really love your sandwich. But don't leave any veggies behind or you will never grow as big as me and Dylan here. Oh, also don't forget to drink your milk." He was smirking at me suggestively, acting like he was my mom or something and making fun of me with that handsome face of his. And the worse part was, I didn't mind it at all. Heck! I even wouldn't mind to milk him and drink his hot milk right here right now.

Fuck, I'm such a pervert.

"Ha, ha, very funny Mason, I'm not your fucking 5 years old kid. And I do eat my veggies and drink my milk thank you very much." I pouted at him, which he returned with a snickered. He then started to eat his favorite lunch, which was pasta, while humming incoherent song since he was indeed a bad singer. Why was he so fucking cute?

"Dude, what's with you? You seem all chirpy today?" I asked him while munching my homemade grilled ham and cheese sandwich, moaning of how good it taste melting in my mouth.

"Hmm.. Can't a man be happy for no reason?" Mason said nonchalantly though he couldn't stop himself from smiling all happily like an idiot person could be. I stop munching, shooting daggers at him since I was too lazy to arguing with him. He put his hand in the air, surrendering at me.

"Well, It's nothing important, Cal. Let's just say that I feel happy because Alaina is happy." He smiled innocently at me. I sighed. I knew he was hiding something from me. Looking at him right now I bet he was happy because of something.

Maybe it's because of a girl?

I feel something sharp jabbing at my heart but I tried to ignore it. I continued to ate my sandwich even tough it was really hard to swallow it now. It wasn't like this was the first time that sort of thing happened anyway. I need to get used to it.

Suddenly I had lost my appetite.

"Anyway, since Alaina and Dylan all happy now I'm guessing we will cancel 'our usual weekend stuff'? Mason asked. "I'm pretty sure you will ditch us both for Dylan anyway, right Al?" Alaina  smiled sheepishly at us.

"Hey, I don't mind if we still want to do it as long as Dylan is coming with us." Alaina defended herself.

"Yup, I don't want to ruin your called usual weekend. It's perfectly find with me hanging out with you guys." Dylan said while smiling affectionately at Alaina. Holding her hands and gives her a peck at her cheek.

Geez, get a room will, ya? I couldn't help but envy them. I wish I could do that kind of stuff with Mason, which was impossible.

"Nah, it's ok guys. But if you still want to do it, then count me out. I need to do something else this weekend." Mason said to us while continue eating his pasta.

"Your part time job?" I asked him curiously.

"Sort of." He'd just shrugged me off easily.

"Uh-uh.. You've got a date aren't you?" I keep pushing him. Wiggling my eyebrows while smirking at him, acting casual, though I secretly hope he was indeed cancel our plan because of his work.

"Pfft.. I Wished. I was kinda... asked to cover someone else shift since they suddenly took a day off. So I need to work full day this weekend." Mason said while checking out his phone.

He lied. He wasn't looking at me when he said it.

I'd noticed it before. Mason was not the type who could easily lied to people. I don't know if he was aware of it or not but he tends to avoid facing someone directly or gazing someone eyes whenever he lies. This is one of his traits that were so obvious, at least to me. But if the guy doesn't want to talk, I couldn't force it out of him didn't I?

Maybe I was a little bit paranoid but I knew Mason very well. And every time he was acting like this, all happy and secretive, usually it was all revolved around girls. Just wait and see until he introduced us to someone, just like before. I shook my head to shook off these negative thoughts. Let's just hope it was only a false alarm of mine.

We continued to eat our lunch. I tried my best to finish my sandwich and salad since I didn't want them to notice my sudden change of mood. I was just sitting there, laughing at my friend's jokes like nothing was wrong.

Deep inside, I really wanted to go home so bad.

After lunchtime, I feel like I was in a daze state of mind. I couldn't seem to concentrate at all on my entire class. All I could think about was Mason. I really need to prepare myself for the worse so I wouldn't break down just like last time. I didn't want him to notice my feeling.

I was supposed to be happy for Mason for God's sake! For whatever reasons. I was his best friend, his bro. I didn't want to ruin our relationship that we had built all this years just because of my feeling for him.

I rubbed my face with heavy sigh, frustrated with myself. That's earning a look from Mrs. Kelley, our English teacher, which I ignored.

I was jolted in my seat when the bell rang, ended our last period. I feel relieved since it was time to go home. I immediately put all of my stuff in my backpack and scrambled off my desk to follow other students going out from the classroom.

Usually I was going home with Mason or Alaina or Dylan, riding their cars since I didn't have one on my own, unlike Connor who got his Audi as a birthday present from Dad. But since I wanted to clear up my mind, I decided to take a walk today. It would take around 15 minutes to reach my house by walking through a shortcut.

I texted Mason and Alaina, said that I'd go home first so they wouldn't freaked out when they couldn't found me at school and called 911 thought that I was kidnapped or something.

I walked out from the school, putting on my earphone and played my favorite indie song playlist. I look up to the sky and saw how nice the weather was today. This was not a bad idea to do for once in while. I smiled at myself and continue walking towards my home.


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