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Fight. Fight. Fight.

Callum POV

I was nervous. My palms were sweaty and my throat felt dry. I feel people looking at me weirdly since earlier. Was it because of the bruises on my face or because the great Liam Blackwell himself was escorting me to my locker? Well, maybe because of both. A notorious bad boy senior watch over his beaten up loser junior would certainly pique people's interest.

Actually my injuries were so much better compare to yesterday thanks to Liam's aid. It didn't swell anymore but the color still prominent on my skin so it still obvious that I had become someone's punching bag.

Liam walked casually beside me while keeping an eye of all students around me like some kind of a guard dog. He didn't glare at them or something like that but you could tell he could snap at you if you make the wrong move. I know he was seeking the culprit who beat me up. If he did catch Keith, I don't know what he'd do to him.

Almost everyone in school knew that I was a friend of Liam Blackwell so no one dares to mess with me. But looking at my bruises, people knew that some shit was going down.

All students kept staring at us and whispering to one another in the hall. I couldn't hear what they say but I know they were talking about us. I noticed from the way they see me with sneer on their face. It made me feels uncomfortable. I keep looking down and hiding behind my hoodie to ignore their gaze but it still makes my stomach churn. I grabbed Liam's arm and pick up our pace so we'd arrive to my locker quickly.

I know it would get people attention if Liam were here with me. That's why I had begged him not to follow me today but he wouldn't listen. I know he was worried about me because of last Friday incident. But I couldn't stand people stares and judgement look when they see us together.

It scared me if everyone at school notice that I was dating Liam, because I was aware that some people hate me for only having a connection with him. What would they do if they knew I was his boyfriend?

I knew they hate me since I caught them badmouthing me behind my back. They called me name and making fun of me but act nice and friendly in front of me. How scary human could be? Therefore I chose to keep my distance with them or everyone around me.

Since long ago I know no one would like me. I was an awkward person and I didn't get along well with people. Even my own parents dislike me so no wonder if other people would also hate me. I was okay with that as long I have my best friends. But now, I guess I've lost them too.

I wonder why did Liam want to be with me? There was clearly a better person out there compare to me.

Would he end up leaving me too if he found someone better? 

Stop. Don't let these negative thought eating you Callum.

I look up to see my locker not far from us. I dashed to it and immediately unlocked it to do my things so we could go to my classroom as soon as possible. Liam was now leaning his body on the lockers beside me, crossing his arm on his chest and looking smugly like he own the place.

Liam's eyes were still roaming around the corridor and it makes some girls giggles to catch his attention or guys scampers away from him. How could he be so calm when people clearly gossiping about us? Me on the other feeling anxious and scared like a fucking coward. I sighed.

"You okay?" Liam raised his eyebrows in question.

No, I'm not okay. I want to go home.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." I smiled but didn't look at his eyes. I keep focusing inside my locker.

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