Twenty Three

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(Picture of Maxine)

Song for this chapter: Haux - Touch

Liam POV

It felt unreal that Callum has finally accepted me. We were now dating for real as in not in rebound relationship.

He didn't say that he loves me perse but his eyes and gestures had showed it all. He told me that I was his special person, so was he for me.

When he told me the truth about his feeling, I was floating on cloud nine and never wanted to come down. That feeling still lingers even to this day and made me grin ear-to-ear almost everyday.

I know we were only dating for several months but I think I fall hard for him.

I love Callum and now he's mine. All of him is belong to me as I belong to him.

The intimate moment with Callum was the best feeling that I ever had. I didn't know sleeping with someone you love could make you feel blissful and satisfied. It was really good and so addictive that I want to be with him every single day. I know it was cliche but I never had enough of him.

It was totally different compare to my past relationships. Because it was only for casual dating or hookups, I did feel good but never the best. There was this certain emptiness somewhere inside that I tried to fill in. Maybe it was the reason why I keep bouncing around?

Now, after I know the differences between fucking and making love, I don't think I want to do it with anyone else ever again. Callum was enough for me. I know it was weird coming from someone like me. If I told my past self about this I bet he would laughing his ass off and said that I was crazy.

Who would had thought that I was going steady with someone? Even I couldn't believe it myself.

On The Thanksgiving holidays, My family took a noticed of my unusual self. They said I was overly nice to everyone, even to Eli, my idiot cousin. Usually we'd fought like cats and dogs almost all the time so if we didn't fight they know there was something odd happen.

Everyone were asking me about it and I couldn't help myself but to tell them about us, me and Callum, even though I know that my Grandmother was also there with us.

Like any old lady around her age, she was a little conservative with the same sex relationship. It wasn't a good idea to talk it over a big family occasion. I didn't want her to yapping about H.I.V or AIDS or whatever she wanted to say that definitely would ruin our family day. That's why I only tell them briefly that I had a serious relationship with a junior in my school.

It made my sister and brothers excited. Even both of my parents kept bugging me to bring my lover home to meet up with the family. I think it was a great idea as long as my Grandmother wasn't invited. I don't want her to ridicule Callum when I introduce him to my parents and siblings.

Maybe I should invite him for our Christmas dinner?

My grandmother will visit our Great Aunt in Paris. It would be safe to invite Callum over that day since she wouldn't be around to join us.


What the hell was I thinking? Already planning ahead and thinking about Christmas. There were still a few weeks before the holiday. Even I hadn't asked Callum about it yet.

What if he rejected my invitation or thinking that we were moving too fast?

Damn, I feel nervous. I never brought someone home before. Just thinking about inviting Callum to meet with my parents had made me tense. It was so unlike me. I better asked him later about this.

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