Twenty Two

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Pic of Callum. I know it's a different model but his body type fits Callum very well.

Song for this Chapter: SMYL - Better

Callum POV

Liam stared at me with cold eyes. His face was emotionless. If windy day in November could chill your bones, Liam gazed could freeze your soul. I've just told him about the kissing incident with Mason. Now he was angry with me because of it.

"When the hell did this happen?" He asked me with a deadly tone.

"Uuhh... Don't be mad, okay. It happened last Saturday." I fumbled with my shirt. I feel nervous as hell.

We were now sitting on Liam's couch in his living room, watching crime TV shows called Hinterland. I've been addicted to it lately so I forced Liam to watch it with me.

We've been chillin' in his apartment after having lunch together and I've decided to tell him about it before I chicken out again.

Liam raised one of his eyebrows with unamused look. "Last Saturday, huh, which is happened last week. Why did you just tell me now?" He stared at me sharply. I gulped.

I was wrong for not telling him sooner. I keep delaying it because I was scared shitless. I know it was only an accident, heat in the moment from Mason side. But it was hard to tell Liam because he knew about my feeling for Mason and I know he would not like this at all.

It was easier to hide it from him. Nobody knew about it beside me and Mason. If we want to hide it, it would be our secret.

But I didn't want to do that. Not to Liam.

If I didn't tell him the truth, it just felt like I was doing something dirty behind his back. It wasn't right. I didn't want to feel guilty whenever I see Liam's face.

Liam believed in me. He trusted our relationship. And I didn't want to be the one who destroy that.

Sadly, my cowardliness has kick in. It made me having a second thought through out this week. I was afraid he would lose his trust in me by telling him the truth. That's why I've kept my mouth shut until just now. I could only tell him today after gathering my courage.

I know Liam has a bad temper when he was angry so having a talk after our lunch was the best decision. I want our conversation to be civil.

A contented beast would be less feral compare to the starving one. You get what I mean?

Here goes nothing.

I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. " I know it's wrong of me for not telling you immediately about it and I'm sorry for that. I try looking for the right time to explain it to you and that's why I choose this day. I'm just scared you'll be mad at me without hearing my reason. And look, my guess was right. You're clearly angry now." I frowned when his demeanor change from bad to worse.

He didn't respond and stared at me with a death glare.

I sighed. "Look, babe. It was only an accident, okay. He came to me to apologize. We were talking for a while and it just happened."

"Where?" He asked shortly.

"What do you mean where?" I looked at him confused.

"Where did this 'accident' happen?"

Fuck. Did he need to ask me that?

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does matter. Last Saturday you were still grounded. You can't go anywhere beside your house but if he felt comfortable enough to kiss you like that, I know it was somewhere private. Now, tell me the truth. Where the hell did you two have this conversation?"

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