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Picture of Liam's Apartment where they'll do their sexy time~ ;) Enjoy!

Callum POV

Liam had help me compressed all of my bruises with ice packs. Now All I wanted to do was take a bath. I know it was hard to move around with my injuries, especially because of my left knee. But I want to take a bath no matter what happen. My body felt sticky and icky and I had blood on my clothes too.

The problem was I didn't bring any spare clothes or toothbrush with me beside my school backpack. It was a sudden impulse of mine to stay over at Liam so I didn't prepare myself to bring anything. Thankfully, Liam was kind enough to lend me the smallest t-shirt and sweatpants that he had. He even bought me new boxer brief for my size (it was so fucking embarrassing because I was way smaller than him) and toothbrush while he went out to buy us some food for supper and dinner.

He was hungry since this noon and could only eat now because of me, poor him. I told him to eat first because I wanted to take a shower and beside I didn't have any appetite at all. I only want to sleep.

Liam told me to take shower with cold water to not worsen my bruises. I pouted at that. I really wanted to take a bath with warm water but I know I couldn't do that, so I complied anyway. The moment the cold water hit my cuts and bruises, it felt sting and burn my skin. But it did felt good after a while even though it made my body shiver with cold. I finished quickly and dried myself with a towel. I looked at myself in front of the mirror to brush my teeth and cringe when I looked at my face and body.

I looked horrible.

'You fucking disgusting Faggot! You are weak and an EYE SORE you know that!! People like you are BETTER OFF DEAD!!'

I shut my eyes tight and shook my head to erase the thought. I brushed my teeth rashly to distract myself.

I put on my new brief and Liam's clothes after I had finished. Liam was twice my size. So even if it was the smallest size of his clothes it was still big enough for me. His sweatpants kept falling off even though I had folded it couple of times.

I decided to only wear his light grey t-shirt. But it was bigger than I thought. The bottom part was reaching to my thighs and hides my brief under it. It made me look like I didn't wear a bottom at all. I blushed.

Wearing boyfriend's shirt were supposed to be super sexy and alluring thing. But with injuries on my body, it didn't make me look good at all. I have pale skin so the bruises really stand out. Half of my body covered with it. It looked nasty.

I sighed. I need to put ointment and bandage on it later.

I walked out of from Liam's bathroom and put my dirty clothes into the washing machine. The machine hummed loudly when I turn it on. I walk out to the living room and heard a movie play. Liam had finished eating and sitting on his love seat, watching TV. When I walked to him, he moved his head to me. His eyes looked at me sharply. It made me stopped on my track.

His grey orbs moved from the top of my head and down to my toes. I could see his eyes were glinting with desire. They way he look at me made me feel like he was stripping me naked and it made me feel self conscious all of sudden. I stood awkwardly, blushing. I couldn't help but bitting my lips even though it felt sting because of my cut. My hands clenched on my bottom shirt nervously, tried to hide my thighs. He smirked at me.

"What are you doing just standing there? Come here." He chuckled patted his hand on his thigh. I raise both of my eyebrows. He invited me to sat on his lap? No way. I know we used to cuddle, but not right now. It was so embarrassing.

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