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(Pic of Benjamin)

Song for this chapter:
1 hour playlist mix by SamFish Music

Callum POV

"How are you feeling today, Callum?" Adam Benjamin smiled at me from his desk. He looked calm and collected even though I know deep down he was analyzing me from behind those black rim glasses.

"Good, I guess." I answered shortly with a fake smile on my face. I really want to end this conversation sooner.

Before you asked who the hell Adam Benjamin was, well, he was the school counselor that the principal forced me to have a session with.

Mr. Ben, that's what usually people called him, was a really popular teacher among the students and well respected by his peers. He was the epitome for what you call the perfect teacher of the year.

I didn't know Mr. Benjamin that well. We've only exchange greeting in the hall every morning or noon whenever we passed to each other. One thing that I know about him was how people in school really fond of him.

Mr. Benjamin was known for his witty remark and easy-going character. People say it was really easy to talk to him about school problems or even other personal stuff. Mostly students think of Mr. Benjamin as a friend or brother rather than a teacher.

Dylan's also like Mr. Benjamin a lot. He said he was the coolest teacher that he has ever met.

"How about your school life recently? Did other students still bothering you again in class?" Mr. Benjamin asked me while leaning back to his chair. I could feel his sharp eyes staring at me. It made me feel uncomfortable.

"Uuh.. Not really. " I talked nervously, scratching my neck.

"You can tell me about anything, Callum. I guarantee your secret's will be save with me." He gave me a wink with his dimple smiled that could make girls fall to their knees.

Yes, Mr. Benjamin was indeed a good-looking man. A short brunette hair with a deep brown eyes. Height around 6 feet tall with a strong tone up muscle underneath that shirt. Stubble on his jaw that gave a nice touch to his face. The one and only intellectual sexy teacher in our school.

Our girls really love to flock around him. He wasn't my type though. I maybe gay but an older man in his thirties who has a happy married life with a pregnant wive was not my thing.

The funny thing about Mr. Benjamin was how the girls in school think that he really suitable as a hot daddy material. It killed me the first time I heard it from Alaina. I've almost choked myself to death because I burst out laughing while eating my banana.

How the hell they could come up with that idea? I have no clue. It gave me shivered just to think about a teacher in that kind of way. Damn horny bitches.

"Well... there's really nothing going on with my life lately. Just normal. I'm really glad that no one bothers me anymore." I told him with a small smile.

It was true. This week the school seemed peaceful enough. No one dares to mock me, bully me or pick a fight with me. Well, some people were still bad mouthing me or spread ridiculous rumors behind my back but that was all. It was like my life slightly back to normal although the different part was I didn't bother to hide my sexuality anymore.

It was hard when me and Liam have come out in school for the first time. People looked at us weirdly. Some even blatantly looked disgusted despite the fact that we were only holding hands. The scariest part was the hatred looked Liam's exes throws at me, especially from the girls and of course some boys too.

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