Chapter 1

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Rainkit padded out of the nursery for what felt like the billionth time in her life. She shook out her deep grey pelt and blinked her cerulean eyes to adjust to the sunlight. "Ashkit hurry up." She grumbled before bounding over to the freshkill pile. 

"I'm coming Miss Bossy." A pure snow white tom kit bounded out of the nursery and padded after her. 

The siblings looked nothing alike. Rainkit had a deep grey stripped pelt while Ashkit's pelt was as white as snow and ice. Rainkit stood a bit shorter than her brother and had a more lean build to her muscles. Ashkit stood taller but also carried a bit more weight to his bones which would prove that he would be a very muscular big tom cat we he became a warrior. The only thing the two siblings shared was their eyes. Both kits had bright cerulean eyes which shown brighter than the stars in their parents' pelts. 

"Wanna share a thrush slowpoke?" Rainkit twitched her whiskers and struggled to grab one from the very top of the freshkill pile. 

"I suppose." Ashkit shrugged and climbed to the very top and pushed the thrush off, sending it tumbling down below and into the dirt.

"Man.. Ashkit you just got dirt all over it!" Rainkit grumbled.

"Its not like you eat the feathers anyway." He retorted. 

"I guess." Rainkit pulled off a few feathers and bit into the juicy bird. Instantly her taste buds triggered and she purred softly. A small feather had gotten stuck on her nose and she didn't notice.

Ashkit twitched his whiskers. "You have a feather on your nose mousebrain." He laughed before taking a bite of the thrush.

Rainkit looked at the feather on her nose, causing her to go cross eyed. "I don't see it!" She whined.

"Alright alright I'll get it." Ashkit flicked his grey tipped tail and shooed off the feather. "There."

"Thank you." Rainkit smiled at her only kin and took another bite of the thrush. 

Ashkit stood up and let her finish eating. 

"Aren't you hungry?" She licked her muzzle and pushed some of the thrush over to Ashkit.

"No thank you. I am not that hungry." Ashkit licked his paw and then ran it over his head.

"Ok then, more for me." Rainkit took the last few bites before taking the bones and feathers and dumping them in the dirtplace. She shook out her pelt before running over to her brother once more. 

"Wanna play a game?" Ashkit asked, flicking his grey tail.

"Actually, I was going to go help Flowerwhisker sort through some herbs if that's alright..." She shuffled her paws. "Maybe you can play with Cloudkit, Sootkit, and Lilackit right now?"

Ashkit nodded, his eyes showing admiration for his sister. "Sure thing, see you around."

Rainkit dipped her head a little and then took off running towards the medicine den. Upon her journey, she raced past the apprentice's den and she slowed down for a second. Would she live her life in that den? Or would she live in the medicine den? She still was unsure if she wanted to be a medicine cat or a warrior apprentice. If she were to become a medicine cat, she would have to leave her brother and wouldn't be able to see him as much. But still, she always thought being a medicine cat would be amazing. No fighting, just helping. It seemed like a such a great plan. Lost in her own thoughts, she wasn't really paying attention to where she was walking. She ran into a huge wall and snapped back into reality. No that wasn't a wall... it was a black tom cat!

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