Chapter 23

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"No it just stinks because I feel guilty for-" Ashpaw suddenly cut off as he heard the bushes rustling from begging him. A robin fluttered from its branches and flew off. Once the coast was clear, Ashpaw continued mumbling to himself. "Liking Winterpaw but what about Bluepaw? Am I ever going to find my way home? Is she worth holding onto?" He sighed, his snowy muzzle growing colder as the seasons wore on. It was coming close to Leafbare and Ravenclan was much colder than Streamclan. Ashpaw sighed, flicking his tail side to side in anger. Why were his feelings so confusing? Why couldn't he just focus on one she cat? Ashpaw frowned.

"You ok?" A tall russet furred Ravenclan cat had appeared behind him.

Ashpaw jumped, startled at the sudden arrival. "Oh yes. Yes I'm ok."

The tom gave a small smile. "Ashpaw right? New cat. I'm Foxfeather. It's nice to formally meet you." The russet tom purred and flicked his tail.

"It's nice to meet you too." Ashpaw dipped his head respectfully and extended his paw ever so slightly before pausing. That was a popular Streamclan tradition. To reach out one paw as a cat introduced his or her self. Ashpaw, flustered, quickly jumped his feet back together and shook out his creamy pelt.

Foxfeather tilted his head a little but his eyes were full of amusement.

"How long have you been a warrior?" Ashpaw broke the silence like glass and changed the subject.

"Actually just this past moon. I'm rather new to being a warrior." The fox furred tom tilted his head a little and a small butterfly fluttered between his ears and landed on his muzzle. The gentle warrior crossed his eyes and let the butterfly stay. Ashpaw watched with great curiosity. Why wasn't the warrior batting it away? Bugs were such pests.

The butterfly danced around Foxfeather's amber muzzle once more before flying off through the trees. And suddenly a voice rang through Ashpaw's ears causing his vision to fade into total darkness.

"The snow shall stifle the ashes into dust, until they one day burn again and find their way back home."

Ashpaw blinked and turned to Foxfeather. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"A prophecy..." Ashpaw mumbled but Foxfeather couldn't hear him. And then his snowy paws were racing, flying across the scattered leaves and bracken underpaw as he tore through the forest, running far far away from his worries.

But no matter how fast he ran, he couldn't outrun his heart.


I am so sorry I am such a horrible author.

I don't post a new chapter for AGES.

And then poof, this new one is only 446 words. Including my note here at the bottom.


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