Chapter 26

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"Rainpaw... I need to talk to you..." His voice sounded heavy.

"Yea sure." Rainpaw set down the bundle of herbs in her mouth next to a small rock in the medicine den.

"In private?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Oh yeah sure." Rainpaw looked around to the pawful of cats sleeping in the medicine den. Silverfur had fallen ill with whitecough and Dustfoot had scratched his eye on a thorn bush. Needless to say, Rainpaw had been busy with her training and taking care of her patients but she still managed to find time for one particular cat. Moonpaw.

It had been a few moons since Ashpaw had been taken and slowly, Rainpaw was able to move on. Bluepaw had decided to stay in Streamclan and not take her rightful heir to Grassclan's leadership. Grassclan had not attacked any more Streamclan cats and Moonpaw and Rainpaw's relationship was going strong. And other cats hadn't found out.

Rainpaw stepped outside the medicine den and followed him as he led her out of camp. She followed his silvery tail as she remembered the past 3 moons with him.

"See? I told you I was good at swimming." His head bobbed up and down above the surface of the water.

"Yes but now your fur is all wet and no, I will not make sure that you're warm and dry." Rainpaw twitched her whiskers.

"Oh come on, get in the water it's so much fun." Moonpaw begged her, his eyes looking like a puppy begging for food.

"No no no. I do not enjoy swimming." Rainpaw shook her head.

Moonpaw sighed. "Fine but what Streamclan cat doesn't like to swim?" He chuckled in amusement.

"One that doesn't enjoy getting her fur covered in slimy river muck!"


"You mousebrain! I swear to Starclan if you mess up my leaf piles one more ti- STOP LAUGHING!" Rainpaw swiped him across the cheek playfully.

"You're cute when you're mad." Moonpaw licked her cheek.

"And you always know how to make me mad don't you?"

"That's what I'm here for."


"Boo." She poked him with a stick.

"Hey!" Moonpaw spun around on all fours.

Rainpaw twitched her whiskers. "Gotcha."

"No... I got you.." He breathed, taking a pawstep closer to her and rubbed his muzzle against hers.

They were content.

They were at peace.

They were in love.


"Where are we going?" She called out to him, trotting faster so they were walking side by side.

"Just wait." He mumbled, not looking directly at her.

"But I wanna know!"

"I said just wait Rainpaw." Moonpaw mumbled a bit louder.

"Oh cmon! Why are you acting so weird just tell me already?"

"Fine! You really wanna know where we are going?" Moonpaw snapped. "You really wanna know why I'm acting 'weird' today?"

Rainpaw stopped and took a step back, startled by his sudden aggression. "Y-eah..."

"Because I'm sick and tired of playing these games Rainpaw. I'm sick and tired of playing hide-and-seek from the clan because we can't express our relationship out to them. I'm sick and tired of dancing around warriors and Flamestar and trying to make sure know one finds us. I'm sick and tired of-"

"You know the warrior code Moonpaw!-"

"Yea and the warrior code isn't going to change. I can't spend my whole life running around trying to please you."

"Please me? Please name one thing that you've done for me!" Rainpaw was taken aback and suddenly felt anger towards Moonpaw. How dare he confront her like that!

"Oh so now you think I don't do anything for you. Fine, I see how it is. First you keep our relationship a secret and then-"

"A secret?! Do you think I enjoy having to lie to my clanmates everyday? Do you think I have fun knowing that every day I'm breaking the rules? You know just as well as I do that medicine cats cannot have mates or be in a relationship." Rainpaw snarled.

"Yea well we won't have to worry about that any more will we?" Moonpaw hissed before jumping up and storming past her.

"Wait... are you...?"

"Yes Rainpaw. Do you need me to spell it out for you? I'm not going to live the rest of my life as an outcast and betraying the clan for a cat that I don't even love. We're done." And with that, Moonpaw dove through the bushes and left Rainpaw there to sulk in her own grief.


"It wasn't even that he ended our relationship Flowerwhisker...It's the fact that he said he didn't love me anymore."





I hardly ever update I'm so sorry, it's just between school and everything and ugh... rough times.

Much love for all of my readers <3


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