Chapter 13

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"What in Starclan's name are you doing here?" Bluepaw's eyes widened, not truly believing her eyes.

The snowy white tom in front of her flicked his tail. "I came to rescue you." His eyes reflected an emotion Bluepaw couldn't quite understand.

Her heart fluttered in her chest. "You... you did?"

He nodded and for a split second, Bluepaw considered spilling all of her feelings to him but she held her tongue, instead commenting a smart remark that was her typical personality.
"Well you didn't do a very good job now did you?" She smirked, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

Ashpaw twitched his whiskers. "It's the thought that counts." He laughed a little.

She smiled. "I suppose it is."


"You two, come with me." A meow reached down the tunnel and into the prison den. A few hours had passed since Ashpaw got captured and he was starting to get used to his new surroundings. Bluepaw and him stood up and walked up the tunnel and into the sharp sunlight.

"Oh hi there Hopfoot." Bluepaw purred kindly, probably trying to win Grassclan over with kindness.

The short brown warrior gave a grunt and waved his tail, beckoning for the two apprentices to follow him. They did.

"Um.. where are we going?" Ashpaw wondered aloud, fear tricking down his throat and into his chest.

"The medicine den." Hopfoot mumbled. "You got attacked by Reedfur eh? Well, we can't have you getting sick or infected while you're in camp now can we? We aren't cruel."

Bluepaw and Ashpaw shared a glance. "Oh.. ok."

As the three cats padded through the Grassclan camp, Ashpaw felt a tug in his heart and realized how much he actually missed Streamclan. The camp he had grown up in was much too different than this one, and he missed its familiar smells, sounds, and hustle and bustle. Nothing was where it typically was. There was no Hightree, the medicine den was on the left side of camp instead of the right. The elders den wasn't nearly as empty. He sighed.

"Homesick kiddo?" Hopfoot twitched his whiskers at the young white tom who nodded ever so slightly. Bluepaw gently brushed her tail against his flank as if to comfort him but it didn't flutter his heart like it typically would have.

"Here's the medicine den. Bluepaw, you must have some scratches from the battle yes?" Hopfoot looked her over.

"Yes I do. Thank you."

Together, Bluepaw and Ashpaw padded into a small cave, instantly bombarded with a billion smells of leaves and plants.  Ashpaw instantly thought of his sister and how she smelled like this too. Oh she must be so worried about him...

"Hi there you two. What can I help you with?" A tall russet furred tom cat padded into their sight. He was followed by a smaller russet tom. The two looked insanely similar except for the taller one had amber eyes and the latter had blue eyes.

"We just have some scratches from the battle." Ashpaw meowed, turning to his side to show the two medicine cats his flank that was covered in scratches.

"Ok. Foxpaw, you can help the white one, erm... sorry what's your name?" The red furred medicine cat asked.


"Right. Foxpaw, you can tend to Ashpaw and I will help..."


"Right. Ashpaw and Bluepaw. My name is Featherflight if you need anything." He went off to grab some herbs while the younger cat padded over to Ashpaw.

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