Updated Allegiances

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Streamclan: Live by the river
Leader: Flamestar 🚹 fire colored tom
Deputy: Cinderfoot 🚺 grey colored, deep brown eyes Mentor to Moonpaw
Medicine Cat: Rainstep 🚺 grey and blue she cat with sharp blue eyes

Brackenbristle 🚹 tan with amber eyes, Creektail's father, mate died in battle
Dustfoot 🚹 dark grey with blue eyes
Snowshine 🚺 snow white with blue eyes, jayscratch's mate , Mentor to Cloudpaw
Riverwhisker 🚹 light grey, dark grey stripes and blue eyes, Mentor to Bluepaw
Silverfur 🚺 silver fur duh, blue eyes
Rowanclaw 🚹 russet fur, amber eyes
Moonflower 🚺 white and silver with blue eyes, Mentor to Brokenpaw
Winterheart 🚺 snow white with blue eyes
Rosetooth 🚺 light red she cat with green eyes
Jayscratch 🚹 dark black cat with black eyes, father to brokenpaw and bluepaw.
Foxfeather 🚹 russet fur and blue eyes
Creektail 🚹 brown fur and blue eyes, mentor to Lilacpaw

Brokenpaw 🚹 black with blue eyes
Bluepaw 🚺 blue fur blue eyes
Moonpaw 🚹 grey and white flecked tom, blue eyes
Sootpaw 🚹 grey fur and grey eyed tom
Cloudkit 🚹 white fur with blue eyes
Lilackit 🚺 pale grey fur and purple eyes

Daisypelt 🚺 golden fur and gold eyes, mate to Rowanclaw
Goldenheart 🚺 golden fur and amber eyes, mate to Foxfeather
Fernfoot 🚺 grey fur with dark stripes and green eyes, mate to Riverwhisker


Grassclan: live on the moor, neighbors to Streamclan and Pineclan

Leader: Swiftstar 🚹 tall black and white with amber eyes
Deputy: Rabbitfoot🚺 tan she cat with amber eyes
Medicine cat: Featherflight 🚹 russet fur, amber eyes
Medicine cat apprentice: Foxpaw 🚹 russet fur and blue eyes

Pineclan: live in the forest, neighbors to Grassclan and Rockclan

Leader: Ashstar 🚹 deep grey tom with darker eyes
Deputy: Barkpelt 🚹 dark brown tom with green eyes
Medicine cat: Ferndapple 🚺 light grey fur and green eyes

Rockclan: live in the forest as well, neighbors to Pineclan and Streamclan

Leader: Shadowstar 🚹 black tom with grey flecks and gorgeous markings, blue almost white eyes
Deputy: Darkheart 🚺 Jet black she cat with purple eyes
Medicine cat: Cloudwhisker🚹 white tom, blue eyes
Medicine cat apprentice: Nightpaw🚹 deep blue tom with stary eyes like Moonpaw

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