Chapter 17

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"That's called a blanket." Fluffy laughed.

"It feels like moss!!" Ashpaw circled around and laid down in it. He purred softly.

The ash grey kitten twitched her whiskers. "You're the only sane cat who would sleep in a bed of moss."

"Who said I'm sane?" The snowy tom flexed his claws and a glimmer of amusement reflected in his cerulean eyes. He jumped off of the blanket just as one of the Twolegs stepped into the room. Instantly he took a step back, flattening his ears and hissing. The Twoleg went to rub Fluffy's head and left, leaving Ashpaw alone. He sighed in relief.

"The owners aren't too bad." Fluffy padded up to him.

"I don't want them to touch me." He said simply, crossing his tail over his paws.

Fluffy sighed. "You know, if I didn't know you better I'd say you're stubborn."

"You've known me for two days!" Ashpaw grinned, licking his muzzle. "For all you know I'm the most stubborn cat in the world."

Fluffy sighed, rolled her eyes, and padded over to Ashpaw, her tail brushing against his snowy flank. "You're so set on going back out into the forest... why don't you consider staying in a nice den?"

"Because I hate it here. I have a life you know." Or at least I did... Ashpaw thought.

The cinder colored she cat blinked and nodded slowly as she connected the dots of Ashpaw's logic. Fluffy flicked her silver tail, unsure of what to do. "I mean if you really really want to go back to the forest then-"

"I do." He cut her off with a flick of his ear.

"Fine. I'll think of a finalized plan by tomorrow and that way we can -"

Ashpaw cut the kit off again. "No offense Fluffy, but I'm more trained than you are in... combat, fleeing, defense. You're just a kittypet."

And in that instant, Fluffy's eyes shattered from their trust and happiness and broke into a billion pieces of anguish. She took a pawstep back from Ashpaw and when she spoke, her meow broke with a stammer. "Then sorry for trying.. to help you... I'll just let the so called warrior handle it. After all, the mighty clan cat got himself kidnapped so why shouldn't he be able to get out of it? After all, what's a kittypet like me going to be able to do?" Her despair turned to anger at Ashpaw's comment and she turned her tail and ran off, deep into the den.

Ashpaw flickered with confusion for a moment before realizing that calling her a kittypet had offended her. He hadn't met to be rude, he was just being a realist. "Fluffy wait..." He called out but to no avail did he succeed.

He sighed and the snowy white tom padded over to the icy clear stone. What did Fluffy call it? A window? He jumped up on the branch beneath it and sat down, staring off into the forest that was tail lengths away. His cerulean eyes held a power and emotion that no cat could see except himself in his own reflection. Ashpaw's heart tugged in his chest for the outside world, his friends, his family, and his clan. He choked back a cough as he gazed upon the luscious forest ahead of him. Ashpaw refocused his eyes to glance at his reflection, what did other cats see when they looked at him?  A warrior? A gentle giant? A coward?

Then his reflection moved. But Ashpaw didn't. The cat in front of Ashpaw wasn't Ashpaw. It was...

"Icestar?" He breathed, his breath causing the window to fog.

His father nodded his head and stepped through the window, causing Ashpaw to fall off of the ledge and onto the ground of the Twoleg den. He shook out his pelt as Icestar padded into the den.

"Hello there my son." The icy tom purred, the stars in his pelt flickering around his son.

"Hi Icestar." Ashpaw flicked his tail in greeting, his bright eyes were watching the stars spinning around him.

Streamclan' former leader padded around the Twoleg den for a few moments, taking in his surroundings. "Strange... I've never been in a Twoleg den before..." He sniffed.

"It's not that exciting to be honest..." Ashpaw admitted, following Icestar.

"I can see that. And I know how much you want out Ashpaw... just remember, you have a destiny Ashpaw. Don't be afraid to follow it." Icestar peered over his shoulder and as fast as he came, he disappeared again, leaving the stars around him to flutter for a moment, then disappear completely.


Sorry that this is short... I don't really enjoy this chapter that much but I feel like I needed to update bc I haven't in a while... hope to update more soon!!!

Much love <3

~  C I N D E R ~

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