Chapter 2

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Rainkit woke up to the pitter patter of rain drops falling on the nursery den. She blinked open her eyes to reveal a dark grey sky from the outside. Rolling out of her and Ashkit's nest, she shook out her pelt before inching her way towards the entrance of the nursery. A few water drops had blown in from the wind and splashed against Rainkit's face. She twitched her whiskers and took a step back. A loud boom of thunder sent her scrambling back to her nest and snapped Ashkit awake.

"What in Starclan?!" Ashkit grumbled as he awakened from his sleep.

"Thunder." Rainkit said simply, wrapping her tail around her paws as she sat down.

Ashkit gave her a look before closing his eyes again.

"Get up sleepyhead." Rainkit poked her brother with a claw into his ribs.


Rainkit padded back over to the entrance and sighed. "I wanted to go talk to Flamestar..."

"What about?" Ashkit appeared beside her, finally getting up out of his nest.

"Becoming a medicine cat apprentice. I mean, our apprentice ceremony is going to be rather soon don't you think?" She tilted her head.

Ashkit nodded. "We're turning six moons this moon."

Rainkit purred softly before another crash of thunder made her jump.

"Careful there Rainkit." Daisypelt, one of the queens, purred softly. "Don't catch yourself a cold by being out in the pouring rain for too long."

"Actually she would be able to heal herself. Rainkit is going to be a medicine cat!" Ashkit purred for his sister and boasted to Daisypelt.

"Why isn't that something?!" Daisypelt meowed softly.

Rainkit shuffled her paws, a bit flustered. "Ashkit..." She warned him softly.

Ashkit flicked his tail. "It's great news! I'm just proud of you."

Rainkit smiled slightly. "Thanks. I think I'm gonna go talk to Flamestar now." She flicked her tail before bounding out into the pouring rain.

No cat was outside, everyone huddled inside their dens, scared to come out and not wanting to get soaked to the bone. Rainkit shivered as the icy rain chilled through her pelt and into her bloodstream. Her paws soon ran frozen and she cringed. The rain fell in front of her cerulean eyes and made it quite difficult for her to see. Rainkit squinted and thought she was almost to Flamestar's den before she fell through the ground.

"Gahh!!" She howled, finding herself sinking in a mud puddle.

Through the rain she spotted a very dark sketchy looking cat padding towards her. Was it a Dark Forest cat? She shivered in her fur, not just from the cold rain. "Help!! Help!!" She called out for someone to save her from the scary warrior.

"Relax Rainkit, I'm here." She heard the soft calming meow of Jayscratch throughout the hum of rain. He gently grabbed her scruff and carried her out of the mud. "Are you alright? What are you doing out here anyways?"

Rainkit suddenly felt dumb. Of course it wasn't a Dark Forest cat! It was just Jayscratch!! "I'm fine... I just slipped. I was actually going to talk to Flamestar." She bent down to lick her chest before realizing the dirt would probably taste icky. She decided to wash off later.

"Ah, well, I'm sure he's huddled in his den. He always has been scared of the rain." Jayscratch said simply before padding away.

Rainkit tilted her head. Why had Jayscratch said rain the way he did? Maybe he was just going loopy from being in the rain all day. She shook out her pelt and bounded across the clearing and into the small cave where Flamestar lived.

"Flamestar?" Rainkit uneasily padded into his den.

"Yes? Come on in." A tired sounding Flamestar meowed.

Rainkit walked in, a bit self conscious of her appearance. Her once gorgeous silver fur was now matted with rain water and mud. She sighed and walked in to face Flamestar.

"Oh Rainkit, hi there. What can I do for you?" Flamestar looked surprised to see her.

"I was just uh.. wondering if I could talk to you about my apprenticeship." She stood up a little taller and made sure to look him in the eyes. It was something her mother had always taught her... well... before she died.

"Stand up tall, speak boldly, look other cats in the eyes. Be a good speaker when you talk to other cats." Silverdream purred softly, her two young kits in front of her.

Icestar came padding up. "Pretend you're the leader when you speak. It makes cats respect you."

"But you are the leader Icestar. You don't have to pretend!!" Rainkit giggled before pouncing on top of him. Ashkit followed, a spitting image of his father while Rainkit resembled their mother.

Silverdream, Icestar, Ashkit, and Rainkit were all together. All laughing. All living. They would never share another moment of all four of them together for quite a long long time.

Rainkit blinked out of her memories and waited for Flamestar's response.

"Your apprenticeship? Rainkit I'm sorry but cats cannot chose who they want their mentor to be. I know-" Flamestar started, his russet tail waving in his nest.

"No no.. I don't even want to be a warrior apprentice. I want to train to be a medicine cat." Rainkit interrupted.

Flamestar's eyes widened. "You.. you want to be a medicine cat?"

Rainkit nodded.

Flamestar looked baffled. "Well uh.. I mean.. yeah. I'll allow it. As long as Flowerwhisker is ok with it."

"She is." Rainkit twitched an ear.

"Alrighty then. I'll hold your and Ashkit's ceremony tomorrow. I was actually going to give you to Jayscratch." He flicked his tail.

Rainkit thought a moment. "Doesn't he already have an apprentice? Creekpaw?"

Flamestar smiled softly. "Not after tomorrow. I'm giving Creekpaw his warrior name. But don't tell anyone." He said mischievously.

Rainkit purred. "Oh I won't!!" She giggled softly. "Bye Flamestar!"

"Bye bye Rainkit." Flamestar smiled after her.

Rainkit bounded out of Flamestar's den to find that the rain had stopped and the sun was peeking out from behind a few spotted clouds. She arched her back and let the sunlight warm her matted fur. She purred deep into her throat as the sun shone. It was almost as if the weather was matching her emotions....

Yay!! Another chapter!!

~ C I N D E R ~

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