Chapter 8

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(forewarning, this chapter may not make much sense right now, things however will begin to piece together. i'm trying to provide some backstory to create some character development)

Claws on fur and blood curling yowls pierced through the night. Even the owls stopped hooting and the crickets stopped chirping to listen as the battle proceeded. The still moonlight shined a glow upon the battle scene through the dark alleys and rummage piles that Twolegs had left behind. Eyes glistened in the darkness of the alleys in different hues of greens and blues. Some cats even had sharp silver eyes that stood out in the moonlight.

"This is where we live. Leave or die!" A bright orange colored tom cat growled as a few other felines stood behind him.

"Oh so now the great Ember owns all of the alleys now huh?" A pure ash grey she cat glared as her small group of cats stood behind her as well.

"Cadet, you know quite well were our territory lies and the boundaries." The orange cat, Ember, flicked his tail almost lazily.

"Ah but see, I want more." Cadet gave a wicked grin before waving her tail. Instantly her small group of cats charged and attacked at Ember's group of cats.

The howls were ear shattering as the two groups of cats scratched, bit, kicked, and fought for their home. The grey leader, Cadet, leapt over the fighting cats with the grace and flight of a gazelle, landing flawlessly on her paws. Had she not been so rugged and fighting, she might have been a quite gorgeous cat to make toms' hearts flutter. She instantly found herself in a smooth run and pushed the ground away with her back paws and bounded through the air effortlessly.

Ember turned his head as Cadet infiltrated through his small camp in the alleys. "Cade-!!" His call was cut short as a black and white spotted cat bounded on him and dug their claws into his pelt.

Cadet looked over her shoulder but kept running. "Cmon they've got to be here somewhere..." She mumbled as she slowed her pace to a slow pad. She looked down several alleys searching, but to no avail did she find what she was looking for. "Foxdung!" She grit her teeth and lashed her tail in anger. "Where are they?!"

"Mama?" A quite little meow cut through Cadet's ears and she turned her head around faster than lighting. There, in front of her, was a small white and grey kit with the cutest little eyes. Cadet's heart instantly softened at the little cat and padded over slowly to it.

"Hi there sweetheart." She purred gently.

"You're not my mama..." The little cat's eyes filled with fear and it took a step backwards.

"Shh it's ok.. I'm gonna take care of you ok?" Cadet whispered, trying to earn the kit's trust. The kit shook its head and took another step backward, corning itself and shaking in its little pelt.

"Oh forget it." Cadet flicked the warmth out of her fern green eyes and grabbed the kit by the scruff, running back the way she came.

"HELP! HELP!!" The kit squirmed and kicked at Cadet's muzzle, hardly hurting the great leader.

"Shut it kit." Cadet bit down harder on its scruff and mumbled through a mouthful of fur.

"HELP ME HELP ME!!" The kit yowled even louder, fear in its desperate eyes.

Cadet was soon upon the fighting cats and easily cut through and wove between them. "C1 RETREAT!" She yowled through the fur in her mouth.

C1? Ember's cats looked up, wondering what that meant. As Ember looked up, he saw a sight he never wanted to see in his entire life.

His kit was being kitnapped.

"CADET GIVE ME MY KIT BACK!!" He yowled with such pain and intensity that his own cats looked at him with fear in their eyes. He ran after Cadet and his stolen kit as fast as he possibly could. As he ran, he noticed that out of the corner of his eye, he saw another cat running beside him. With stars in her fur, she ran beside him and gave him a nod of encouragement. Ember shook his massive russet head in confusion and bounded along as he caught up to Cadet. He leapt into the still night air and landed on Cadet's back, causing her to stumble and fall, dropping the little kit onto the hard ground.

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