Chapter 9

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"M-my son?" Ember choked out. Why did everyone seem to want his son so much? He crouched down protectively on top of the little kit.

Icestar flicked his star covered tail and the stars  fluttered in the sky. "Yes. Your son. I want him to join Streamclan."

"As do I." A silver pelted she cat appeared beside Icestar with stars in her pelt too. Together, the two cats seemed to hold the entire galaxy. Ember found himself gazing at their fur, quite captivated from the sparkling lights.

" Ah hello there Silverdream." Icestar purred to his mate as she appeared.

Ember blinked. "Why on earth do you want my son so badly?" And why can't I just keep him to myself? He thought.

Icestar shared a look with Silverdream who shook her head ever so slightly as if to say no. Icestar nodded and flicked his tail, waving Ember to come with him for a conversation. The fire cat hesitated, apprehensive to leave his only son behind.

"I'll watch over him." Silverdream meowed softly and laid down next to the kit as Ember stood up.

"Keep him safe." Ember mumbled before licking his kit on the head and padding after the snowy white warrior Icestar.

"On my life." Silverdream nodded before realizing that what she said wasn't quite that reliable considering she was already dead. Ember didn't pick up on her mistake and went with Icestar.

Icestar led him throughout the woods and towards the direction of where Cadet's cats had fled. He easily jumped over a fallen oak tree while Ember had to scratch and claw his way over the bark. "Icestar.... slow down..." Ember panted as he struggled to keep up with the warrior.

"Ah. My apologies." The star white cat looked over his shoulder and slowed his pace down to a slow pad.

"It's alright." Ember struggled to catch his breath.

Icestar found a shady spot underneath a large birch tree. The white bark of the wood blended in with his white pelt and Ember had to really squint to see him. Ember sat down next to him, his fire colored pelt shining bright against the green leaves. As Greenleaf came to an end, Ember would soon blend into the foliage with his red pelt. His green eyes would provide a good camouflage into the still green leaves and plant stems. Like Icestar, within a few moons he would be quite difficult to see.

Icestar was in no hurry to start conversation with the red rogue. He quietly licked his paw and ran it over his head.

"Well?!" Ember snapped.

Icestar looked up. "Simmer down."

"My only child, my only living family was just nearly killed and kidnapped. Two dead cats just appeared to me and now they're telling me that you want him. I will not calm down!!" Ember jumped to all fours and lashed his tail angrily. His green eyes were filled with anger but also with fear. He was scared. Scared of Icestar, scared of the world. He was scared of himself.

Icestar slowly stood up and his eyes were filled with an intense amount of anger towards the rogue. "You think your life is rough Ember? You don't know anything about a rough life."

Ember scoffed. "Please. Like you do."

Icestar glared his bright blue eyes towards the flame colored tom and if looks could kill, Ember would've been straight to Starclan in a heartbeat. "Let me show you what I've been through." He snarled and padded over to a small pond within the edge of the woods in the back of a Twoleg yard.

"Why on earth did you take me to a pond? It's not like-"

Icestar waved his paw over the water. It rippled before a scene played out in front of them, like a movie on a television screen. A fire colored cat who looked just like Ember was walking next to Silverdream.

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