Chapter 4

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"A prophecy?" Rainpaw's voice echoed.

Flowerwhisker nodded, her golden pelt shimmering in the sunlight. "Let's go inside the medicine den..." She whispered quietly.

Rainpaw nodded, turning her tail and headed into the medicine den, leaving her brother and the rest of the clan outside to mill around and wander. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest and as she walked, her body felt numb. Taking a deep breath, she followed Flowerwhisker into the damp cool medicine den.

Flowerwhisker sat down beside a large granite stone and motioned with her tail for Rainpaw to sit down as well. Rainpaw timidly lowered her body to the ground.

"What does it mean?" Rainpaw finally got the courage to ask.

Flowerwhisker sighed. "I'm not sure... however this prophecy has been told to me many times... the fact that it has been shared with you surprised me."


"You became a medicine cat apprentice 30 seconds before you received that prophecy. I had to wait until I received my full name to receive any prophecies." Flowerwhisker admitted.

Rainpaw felt her stomach drop to the floor. "So... this isn't normal?"

Flowerwhisker sighed. "It's not that it's not normal... it's just... you're special Rainpaw."

Rainpaw tilted her head. Her? Special?

"Medicine cats are always different Rainpaw. I can typically tell which kits are going to become apprentices. You however... I had no idea until yesterday that you even wanted to become a medicine cat. And you received a prophecy on your first day... you mustn't tell any cat Rainpaw. This prophecy is quite serious."

Rainpaw nodded, her heart pounding still. "Flowerwhisker," her voice cracked a little, "You said you've heard the prophecy before... when did you first hear it?"

Flowerwhisker looked at her new apprentice and her eyes contained a thousand emotions that Rainpaw couldn't quite grasp. When she opened her jaws to speak, Rainpaw didn't quite know how to respond.

"When Flamepelt was named deputy."


"Jayscratch could you come here for a moment please?" Flamestar asked the old warrior.

Jayscratch dipped his head. "Sure thing. Ashpaw stay here please I'll be back in a moment."

Ashpaw nodded and padded into the apprentices den, a place he had never been. It was empty as of now, the elder apprentices going out to train. Ashpaw found an empty nest and pushed his paws on it to make it a little softer. Then he sighed, realizing he would be here all alone. His sister wouldn't always be with him. He had lost his parents and now his sister too, in a way. Suddenly he found himself in a flashback of his past.

"Icestar? Icestar!" Silverdream's yowl called across the clearing as she ran over to a limp white body.

Ashkit looked at Rainkit with fear in his cerulean eyes. "Is that... is that Dad?"

Rainkit didn't answer. She blinked and ran over to the white fluff. "Dad!" Ashkit followed her.

"Dad no!!!" Rainkit yowled, jumping onto her father's dead body.

"Rainkit get off!! He's broken his ribs." Flowerwhisker hissed as she ran over, a flicker of anger in her eyes.

Rainkit jumped off of her father, sulking. "It's not his last life is it?"

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