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A silvery pelted she cat pounced through leaves, desperately searching through the trees. Her olive green eyes caught the moonlight around her and flickered along with the many stars amongst the fur in her pelt. A few twigs and grasses had gotten caught in her sparkling fur but she showed no signs of caring. "Icestar?!!" She called out into the still night, receiving no response except the soft coon of an owl and the harsh screeching of crickets. "Icestar?!" She yowled once more, her eyes showing fear and panic.

"Silverdream, take a breath. I am here." A soft calm voice meowed. His voice soothed Silverdream in a heartbeat and she almost fell over from relief.

"Icestar thank Starclan you're here" She meowed softly, running over to where he was sitting, behind a tall oak tree neighbored by a willow. He could easily be found by his snow white pelt which shone bright enough, but shone even brighter with the stars dancing in it.

"Technically you'd be thanking yourself." Icestar's whiskers twitched. "You are Starclan after all."

Silverdream flicked her ear before padding over next to him and laying down beside him. "Icestar... I have news for you."

Icestar tilted his white head. "News?"

Silverdream nodded, the soft moonlight allowing Icestar to see her quite vividly despite her grey tabby pelt. "There's a prophecy."

Icestar blinked and his sharp cyan eyes flickered with worry. "In our clan?"

Silverdream waved her tail before sighing. "Yes... In Streamclan."

Icestar dug his claws into the dirt and a low growl escaped from his throat. "If only I could be there..."

Silverdream gently rubbed her muzzle against his. "You served Streamclan well. You were the best leader we ever have."

"Until I made Flamepelt deputy!!" He hissed, his sharp irises filling with anger.

"Icestar, no cat knew what he was capable of. He was a great warrior. He just.. made some mistakes..."

"MADE SOME MISTAKES?!" Icestar growled. "Tell me Silverdream, why are you here right now? Why are you in Starclan? Tell me Silverdream. Tell me."

Silverdream opened her jaws to speak then closed them.

"Exactly. Remember this?" Icestar waved his paw over a small puddle in front of them and a scene played out.

"Silverdream and I can go on a small border patrol if you would like Icestar?" A fire colored tom cat suggested.

"Perhaps you should take some other cats with you." Icestar squinted his eyes and meowed warily.

Silverdream nodded. "Creekpaw, Jayscratch, you can come with us."

A young brown furred and blue eyed tom cat bounded out of the apprentices den. He bounced on his paws before jumping over to a jet black muscular tom with sharp piercing green eyes. "Jayscratch we get to go on patrol!!" Creekpaw flicked his tail and ran out of camp. Jayscratch twitched his whiskers in amusement as the apprentice's eagerness and padded out after him, Silverdream, and Flamepelt.

Flamepelt twitched his ear but put his head down and padded out of camp.

Silverdream purred. "This sun sure feels good!"

"I agree!!" Little Creekpaw skipped and puffed his fur out, taking in the warm sunlight.

Jayscratch licked his chest before standing up a bit taller. "It sure is warm out here. Perhaps we can go for a swim after patrol." He meowed to his apprentice.

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